[Surname] Kusisto
I know of a girl who claims to be descended from a Finnish prince who was made to leave the country because he was making counterfeit money. She says that his surname was Kusisto. Does anyone have any information on the name, or whether or not her story is true?

The correct spelling is Kuusisto. It means 'spruce grove'. (Kusisto would mean something like 'piss place'.)
There is no Finnish royalty, so at least the prince part of her story is not true.
There is no Finnish royalty, so at least the prince part of her story is not true.
Yeah, but maybe it was... I dunno... Russian or something? She says she doesn't know the exact year and also that it's just what her grandma told her... and piss place?? hehe... well, she told me it was Kusisto.
Thanks for your help with this. I really appreciate it.
Thanks for your help with this. I really appreciate it.
I would like to add that independent Finland has always been republic and before that royalty was not Finnish. It was either Swedish or Russian, and Kusisto/Kuusisto definitely is rather a Finnish than a Swedish or a Russian name. The explanation for the spelling Kusisto could be that these double vowels or consonants don`t exist in English and so the extra u has just fallen into disuse.
I've come to the conclusion that all Americans descend from royalty or nobility. Like Prince Metternich they believe that "humanity begins with barons", European humanity at least.