[Facts] Re: Deja? Why a name?
in reply to a message by Lydia
I have no idea. I wasn't aware that it had suddenly become popular. But it does seem to follow the same style as Trinity, Destiny, Heaven, Nevaeh, and other such newly trendy word names. I don't care for it at all in any case though.DEJA f
Means "already" apparently from the French phrase deja vu meaning "already seen".Miranda
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Deja? Why a name?  ·  Lydia  ·  10/11/2003, 7:50 PM
Re: Deja? Why a name?  ·  Miranda  ·  10/11/2003, 8:18 PM
Re: Deja? Why a name?  ·  vania  ·  10/17/2003, 4:27 PM