[Opinions] Lupe, Lourdes, Teresa
in reply to a message by Shay
In first-year Spanish I called my self Lupe. I thought it was "different" so I liked it back then. The next year I was Lourdes, for the same reason (I don't really like Lupe or Lourdes today). Of course my name is already Spanish (and Polish, Italian, Portuguese...), so for the rest of my educacion en espanol (6 more years!) I was called Teresa.
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Aïcha - how do you pn  ·  Mikah  ·  11/4/2007, 7:30 AM
Re: Aïcha - how do you pn  ·  Shay  ·  11/4/2007, 12:48 PM
My Spanish name was Patricia nt  ·  Marija Luminitsa  ·  11/3/2007, 11:10 PM
Lupe, Lourdes, Teresa  ·  Zinha  ·  11/3/2007, 7:36 PM
My french name:  ·  Mar  ·  11/3/2007, 4:13 PM
my names Alexandra and almost every language has a veration nt  ·  Taz  ·  11/3/2007, 1:20 PM
Aurore Éloise Mariette.  ·  Lawruh  ·  11/3/2007, 7:10 AM
Re: Aurore Éloise Mariette.  ·  Mrs Claire  ·  11/3/2007, 9:43 AM
Nicolasa (spanish) but we use our real names. nt  ·  Nikki  ·  11/3/2007, 7:07 AM
Graciela "Chela" (Spanish) nt  ·  Darkest  ·  11/3/2007, 6:58 AM