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[Games] Star Wars Writing Congrats!
Hello and welcome to Quigonjecca’s Star Wars writing congrats. You don’t have to be a Star Wars fan to enjoy playing. I will be explaining everything as we go along by giving explanations, links and pictures. You don’t have to like to write to enjoy playing, all I require is each round everyone write a paragraph or two about their growing family. If you want to write more, you are welcome to! I will not be taking any more sign ups after this round.However, I will be taking as many as wish to sign up this round. Here are the rules:1) If you do not respond for three rounds, you will be dropped
2) You must write something each round
3) This could potentially get complicated—if you have questions, please tell me
4) In this game there will only be m/f pairings/marriages. Period.
5) All names are your choice. I will provide a namebank for those who wish to use it..
6) Please have fun!Okay, so to get started, you must create your character. I have two species for you to choose from, Human or Twi’lek. I think we all know what humans are (I hope so at least!) so I will clarify for Twi’leks…A Twi’lek is a humanoid characterized by their brightly pigmented skin that comes in every color of the rainbow, and two hyper-sensitive lekku brain-tails, or head tails, protruding from the back of their heads. For more information, go here: Please note that, if you choose a Twi’lek character, your spouse will be a Twi’lek and all biological children will be Twi’lek. If you choose human, it will be likewise.You will be a Jedi to start with. “Jedi” kind of hard to explain, so I will give you a Wookieepedia link here: are many different roles of Jedi, and you can specify which role you are, or simply ‘Jedi Knight’, or ‘Jedi Padawan’ or even, ‘Jedi Master.’ If you are a Master, do you have a Padawan Learner?For the ease of the game, your character must be female. Sorry guys.
Twi’lek: Skin colors include: Red (the rarest color), blue, white, purple, green, yellow, turquoise (the second rarest color) and orangeHuman:Hair colors include: Brown, black, blond, red, white, gray, something unnatural (think blue) or a combo of any of the previously listed colors.All:Eye color: Blue, black, green, hazel, brown, purple, yellow, red (esp. if it is a Twi’lek character)Lightsaber type: Single bladed, double bladed, or dual sabersLightsaber color: Green, blue, purple, orange, gold, silverLightsaber fighting style:
Shii-cho- The basic moves, parry, body target zones and basic attack
Makashi- the ultimate refinement of lightsaber-to-lightsaber combat
Soresu- Mostly defensive. Developed for use against blaster bolts
Ataru- The most acrobatic form, relies heavily on Force-enhanced running, jumping and spinning
Shien- Encompasses all other forms with moderation
Juyo- Employs bold, direct, movements that are very open and kinetic
Vapaad- a further elaboration of Juyo that sometimes can skirt the Dark Side
Your greatest Force-strength and weakness is (choose one strength and one weakness):
Telepathy- The ability to read and/or speak through the mind
Sense Powers- Heightened senses
Jedi Mind Trick/Affect Mind Trick- being able to persuade people of certain things or even wipe their minds of things all together, by using the Force
Telekinesis- The ability to move things with the mind
Healing Trance- The ability to put someone else or you in a suspended healing stasis
Farsight- Being able to see somewhat into the future. What may happen, not definitely what will.
Psychometry- The ability to gain memories by touching objects. When you touch a certain object, you see the object’s life through it’s eyes. Very dangerous to touch something dead or dying, for death is a powerful experience and can potentially cause death in the Psychometrists themselves.
Force Camouflage
Battle Mind- Becoming one with the battle
Battle Meld- The ability to join thoughts with other Jedi and become coordinated as one during a battle
Battle Meditation- The ability to subtly affect the outcome of a battle through the Force (e.g. raises morale or confuses someone)
Malacia- The ability to confuse and otherwise disorient someone by disturbing their equilibrium
Sever Force- The ability to sever another being’s Force connection
Beast Language- The ability to talk to animals
Morichro- The ability to slow down a being’s metabolism, breathing and heart rate for a specific or indefinite period. Can cause death to the victim (this is strongly cautioned not to use. You must gain permission from the Jedi Council to use this technique before actually using it)
Force-Lightning- The ability to shoot Force-powered lightning from one’s fingertips
Now, fill out this form:Username:
Last name:
Your character: (name, age {if you want to keep track of ages}, gender and species listed here)
(All other info listed here)Namebank:
Ackbar, Adas, Agorn, Sar, Allana, Allya, Amanoa, Padmé, Amidala, Andeddu, Anor Nom, Reidi, Artom, Asli, Krimsan, Atris, Tavion, Axmis, Baas, Bodo, Kitster, Banai, Bandon, Bane, Depa, Billaba, Ood, Bnar, Ashka, Boa, Bogan, Bogdan, Omo, Bouri, Brakiss, Empatojayos, Brand, Brianna, Shira, Brie, Dama, Whitesun, Beru, Bruk, Sora, Bulq, Calrissian, Lando, Jorje, Car’das, Carrick, Zayne, Cbaoth, Joruus, Thame, Cerulian, Gannod, Chant, Chewbacca, Clighal, Cognus, Gav, Daragon, Anya, Darklighter, Jula, Siyla, Reaper, Trey, David, Rekpa, De, Nial, Declann, Desann, Ragnos, Vandar, Dokar, Tolt, Noeeta, Dooku, Dorak, Dorsk, Cin, Drallig, Jeng, Droga, Kyp, Durron, Ebaq, Zez-Kai, Ell, Teta, Esseles, Exar, Kun, Boba, Fett, Fisto, Kit Galak, Fyaar, Gallia, Adi, Gantoris, Gardulla, Garu, Gavrisom, Ponc, Gentes, Rokur, Gepta, Githany, Gra’atan, Grievous, Yara, Grugora, Guri, Hal, Leor, Halcyon, Keiran, Nejaa, Halla, Jook-Jook, H’broozin, Herat, Hethrir, A’Sharad, Hett, Sharad, Hoggon, Honoghr, Corran, Horn, HOth, Ikrit, Isard, Ysanne, Roganda, Ismaren, Jada, Deesra, Luur, Jade, Mara, Jedger, Jeen, Kibh, Jerec, Jeth, Arca, Jinn, Qui-Gon, Sian, Jjeisel, Juhani, Cathar, Tenel, Ka, Kaan, Kadann, Tamith, Kai, Volfe, Karkko, Tabn, Karrde, Kyle, Katarn, Kadann, Kavan, Kavar, Kenobi, Obi-Wan, Keto, Aleema, Alema, Satal, Khar, Delba, Shian, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Mondon, Kira, Kiro, K’krukk, Kla, Kodai, Agen, Kolor, Kavok-Day, Koon, Plo, Korr, Jaden, Eeth, Koth, Krayn, Krayt, Kreia, Kressh, Ludo, Asli, Krimsan, Kueller, Claria, Labreezle, Ros, Lai, Beru, Lars, Cliegg, Owen, Thracia, Cho, Leem, Lestin, Zhar, Lianna, Tresina, Lobi, Lowbacca, Lumiya, Muk, Zundi, Arden, Lyn, Nuck, Lyu, Malak, Visas, Marr, Maul, Millenial, Mira, Mireya, Mon, Ephant, Mortull, Wud, Mothma, Mon, Motdah, Bohhuah, Na’al, Voren, Naberrie, Pooja, Ryoo, Ruwee, Jobal, Darren, Sola, Nadd, Freedon, Nadill, Memit, Nagai, Ky, NOrec, Nar-Shaddaa, Nespis, Vill, Nightsister, Nihilus, Nihl, Lorian, Nod, Larad, Moon, Isela, Talsalva, Narand, N’zoth, Obroa-skai, Odan-urr, Ommin, Omnio, Ooroo, Pai, Bendu, Organa, Leia, Bail, Breha, Teemto, Pagaies, Palawa, Pall, Ajunta, Palpatine, Panaka, Pell, Akanah, Narand, Pernicar, Phanius, Phascera, Pina, Awdrystay, PLagueis, Lomi, Plo, Pomell, Dreed, Yarael, Poof, Danzigorro, Potts, Lanius, Qel-Droma, Qel-Bertok, Cay, Ulic, Qordis, Qornah, Sarcev, Quest, Raa, Vuffi, Marka, Ragnos, Rakata, Racisis, Oppo, Rar, Aleema, Rattack, Reikas, Revan, Rhelg, Rivan, Ruin, PHanius, Ruul, Saba, Sacorria, Sadow, Naga, Sazen, Wolf, Secura, Aayla, Sedriss, Serenno, Shim, Toloris, Shykrill, Cope, Sidious, Sif-Dyas, Sing, Aurra, Sian, Skywalker, Anakin, Ben, Cade, Luke, Mara-Jade, Shmi, Solo, Han, Jacen, Jaina, Leia, Caedus, Solusar, Kam, Tionne, Stele, Maarek, Storm, Havet, Sunrider, Andur, Nomi, Vima, Svag,, Anavuus, Tachi, Siri, Talon, Tarkin, Tarn, Rhad, Teryn, Teta, Tholme, Thon, ThonBoka, Thrawn, Tiin, Saesee, Tio, Baran, Do, Domm, Traya, Tritum, Nevil, Tyranus, Tyris, Nikkos, Tython, Tyvokka, Ulda, Umara, Vaa, Seviss, Vader, Valorum, Vao, Shado, Veila, Tahiri, Ventress, Asajj, Vergere, Viss, Ellu, Vjoun, Vos, Quinlan, Sheyf, Kurlin, Tinte, VOsa, Komari, Volutan, Wald, Wan-Shen, Wavlud, Ingo, Welk, Walu, Windu, Mace, Wyyrlock, Xendor, Xizor, Yaddle, Yevetha, Yoda, Ysanna, Jem, Rajf, Zalem, Zannah, Zeisan, Sha, Ziver, Nerra
For next round I need you to choose a number 1-15. Also, would the first sign-up pick a number for me?Have fun!
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Star Wars Writing Congrats!  ·  quigonjecca  ·  12/28/2007, 8:47 AM
Re: Star Wars Writing Congrats!  ·  Keepskuh  ·  12/29/2007, 12:42 PM
Re: Star Wars Writing Congrats!  ·  miss_smiley  ·  12/29/2007, 3:37 AM
Re: Star Wars Writing Congrats!  ·  Mar  ·  12/28/2007, 10:33 PM
Re: Star Wars Writing Congrats! (finished)  ·  Flute  ·  12/28/2007, 5:36 PM
Re: Star Wars Writing Congrats! (edit)  ·  Darkest  ·  12/28/2007, 5:30 PM
Re: Star Wars Writing Congrats!  ·  estel  ·  12/28/2007, 3:30 PM
Re: Star Wars Writing Congrats!  ·  Nikki  ·  12/28/2007, 1:01 PM
Mine  ·  quigonjecca  ·  12/28/2007, 10:11 AM
Re: Star Wars Writing Congrats!  ·  CN  ·  12/28/2007, 9:58 AM
Re: Star Wars Writing Congrats!  ·  Sarah Kate  ·  12/28/2007, 9:50 AM
Re: Star Wars Writing Congrats! (edited with a few things)  ·  Emilie  ·  12/28/2007, 9:05 AM
You did it right (m)  ·  quigonjecca  ·  12/28/2007, 9:13 AM