[Facts] Re: nobody knows the meaning of my name
Possibly a pet form of Cheve (?) meaning "the chief" or "the best". That's really all I could come up with, I found those meanings here:Or maybe it's a pet form of Chevy? Chevy is a diminutive of the French name Chevalier, which means "horseman" or "knight".It might help if you gave your ethnic background.
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nobody knows the meaning of my name  ·  cheveto  ·  12/1/2003, 10:35 AM
Re: nobody knows the meaning of my name  ·  Caprice  ·  12/1/2003, 12:57 PM
Re: nobody knows the meaning of my name  ·  Jordan  ·  12/2/2003, 10:38 AM
Sorry, I found those meanings here:  ·  Jordan  ·  12/2/2003, 10:39 AM