[Opinions] Eanna or Cian?
Which Irish name do you prefer? Please tell me because I love them both and I cant pick!!!! :(
I prefer Éanna (with the accent). However, I like both of them, as long as Cian is pronounced KEE-an and not KEEN.
I'm assuming that you're thinking about them as boys names.
~ Caitlín
I have great faeth in BtN.

See my profile for my PPs!
I'm assuming that you're thinking about them as boys names.
~ Caitlín
I have great faeth in BtN.

See my profile for my PPs!
How do you pronounce those?
You're also EannaLover, please, stick to one posting name
Im not
Your IP addresses match, Eannalover/KaylieThomas/Namelover . .
. . . which means that you're posting from the same computer. If you're the same person, please read the rules:
and stop breaking them.
If you're not the same person, please provide an explanation as to why the posts are coming from the same computer . . . and how you managed to switch people so quickly.
♦ Chrisell ♦
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. - J.R.R. Tolkien.
. . . which means that you're posting from the same computer. If you're the same person, please read the rules:
and stop breaking them.
If you're not the same person, please provide an explanation as to why the posts are coming from the same computer . . . and how you managed to switch people so quickly.
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. - J.R.R. Tolkien.
This message was edited 9/16/2005, 7:41 PM
Mommy to Cassandra Morgan (2003)
Preggie with baby #2.
Malachi Rune/Charlotte Niamh or Cerys Nimue?
Mommy to Cassandra Morgan (2003)
Preggie with baby #2.
Malachi Rune/Charlotte Niamh or Cerys Nimue?