[Opinions] Re: Random BA's
Still recovering from last night's horrors.
Darryl: OUtdated even fora boy.
Attishyn: Mom was drunk and meant to name her Addison. Either that or she got caught in the middle of a sneeze.
Raycton: Random Collection of Tryndee Sounds!
Rogyn: Rogaine for women.
Rumor: Ugly Rumors. False Rumors. Dangerous Rumors.
Feather: And her sibs Fur, Scales and Slime.
Aryrah: The neighbor's dog makes a similar noise.
D'Sha Nae Hope: D'Sha, no hope.
Random Jolie: Damn right it's random.
Journey Thea Lynn Willow Breeze: Talk about wretched excess.
Arden Claire; Loud and clear, Arden Claire.
Miss Kourtney Ta'Jay Nefertari: That Miss does not add status.
Ti-Heiress: Yeah right.
Thome: What's that supposed to be?
Cheyenne Rose: Starring John Wayne and Carmen Miranda.
Tangerine and Raspberry: That's got to be one of the worst pairs of twin names I've read.
Rylan Wray: Shattle, Rylan and Wray.
Precious Piper: Ick, a little hairy lapdog.
Pepsi: Rock and roller cola wars, I can't take it anymore!
Talon Creed: The law of the Claw.
Fox Eaton: Fox Eaton Chickens!
Elvis Hoyos: Doesn't Hoyos mean holes?!
Truceson: Was there a dispute about paternity?
Boone: Yee haw!
Zeke Adonis: Musclebound pretty boy meets redneck.
Gamble Kevin: I gambed Kevin, but I lost him.
Kutter: I hope he doesn't kut his karotid.
Judas: That's pretty much the same as naming somebody Traitor. Which some person will surely do.