LN: Le Coeur
Name: Jocelin Nicolette
Age: 30
Occupation: housewife
Disabilities: none
Hobbies: Sculpting, reading, cooking, teaching and horseback riding.
Significant other
Name: Philippe Tristan
Age: 32
Occupation: Marine biologists
Disabilities: stuttering/stammering
Hobbies: reading and football
Current children:
AD/AS: Sébastienne Amélie / Isidore Lucien "Seb" & "Sidore" (5)
Others living with you: None
Pets: DHorses - Stefan, André and Julian
DCats: Patrick (Calico), Emil (Tabby Cat)
Type: Mansion In the heart of Southern-France
Location: France
Land owned: 200 acres
Bedrooms: 12
Bathrooms: 10
Other: In-door swimming pool
What is/are the household’s religion(s)? Muslim
What language(s) do household members speak? French, English, Arabic and a little Russian and Italian.
Do you travel? If so, how often and where to? Yes, once a year in the summer vacation to wherever the family decides on that year.
How many children would you like to adopt: [4 max] 3
Gender(s): any
Age: 3 - 17
Nationality: any
Languages preference: English or French
Religion preference: any
Multiples: either
Will you accept:
--siblings? yes
--kids with pets? (what kind and gender) yes, cats or dogs or whatever.
--children with disabilities? yes, anything mild.
--pregnant teen/teen mother? no
--baby’s father? no
This message was edited 4/18/2008, 10:55 AM