[Games] ~!!!!!**Emma's PP congrats round 1**!!!!!~
(BTdubs, rounds will probably be posted every 2-3 days or so. I'm not going to shoot for daily as daily would mean I would ignore lots of more essential aspects of my life.)
(Also I'd kind of prefer it if you'd unlink your names, but it's not a big deal. I linked them because of the namebanks.)
242 PP's were given homes last round.
Here is this round's namebank: remember, you only have to use ONE name for ONE of your PP's, but you may use as many as you like. (They are big namebanks, so that should be OK.)
Aapo, Aatu Abaddon, Abednego, Abimbola, Abner, Absalom, Acacius, Ace, Acke, Adad, Adair, Adalberto, Adegoke, Adelmar, Aesop, Afif, Afolabi, Afzal, Agamemnon, Agathangelos, Agathon, Age, Agni, Agrippa, Ah, Ahab, Ahmose, Ahtahkakoop, Ailill, Aimo, Aingeru, Ajax, Ajeet, Akash, Ake, Akeem, Akhenaton, Aku, Al, Aladdin, Alborz, Alby, Aldo, Ale, Alf, Alonzo, Alfeo, Algar, Algernon, Alp, Alpha, Alpertti, Alphege, Alter, Alvaro, Alyosha, Aloysius, Amable, Amadeo, Amancio, Amando, Amar, Ambrogino, Americo, Amhlaoibh, Amilcar, Ammiel, Amos, Ampelio, Amram, Amrit, Amulius, An, Anacletus, Anah, Ananth, Anargyros, Anaxagoras, Anchjo, Ander, Androcles, Andronikos, Angel, Anibal, Anisim, Anselm, Ansgar, Antigonus, Antiman, Antinanco, ANtipater, Anto, Antonello, Anuj, Anupam, Anwar, Anxo, Aoi, Aphrodisios, Apollinaire, Apostol, Appius, Aragorn, Aram, Arash, Arastoo, Aravind, Arcangelo, Archelaus, Archibald, Archimedes, Archippos, Ardashir, Arduino, Argus, Argyros, Ares, Aristarchus, Aristides, Aristodemos, Aristotle, Arjuna, Arkady, Arkhip, Armo, Arn, Arne, Arndt, Arrigo, Art, Artaxerxes, Artemisios, Asbjorn, Asdrubal, Aseem, Ashok, Asklepiades, Aslan, Astrophel, Ataullah, Adalsteinn, Athanaric, Athol, Atlas, Aton, Attila, Atuf, Auberon, Aubert, Aucaman, Aurangzeb, Aureliusz, Avrum, Axel, Ayman, Ayo, Ayokunle, Ayomide, Ayotunde, Ayumu, Azarel, Azariah, Azazel, Azubuike
Aamu, Abelone, Abhilasha, Abishag, Acantha, Achieng, Adaeze, Adebowale, Adelheid, Adetokunbo, Adhiambo, Aditi, Adorinda, Adrasteia, Adwoa, Ælfgifu (Elfgifu), ÆÐELÞRYÐ, Aegle, Aeronwy, Afaf, Aferdita, Africa, Afua, Agafya, Agda, Aghavni, Agnetha, Agnieszka, Agot, Agurne, Ah, Ai, Aifric, Agrona, Akulina, Alazne, Alcippe, Alcyone, Alease, Alecto, Aleesha, Alenka, Alfhild, Alfonsina, Alfsigr, Allegria, Allochka, Almudena, Aloisia, Alondra, Alpha, Alphonsine, Aludra, Alzbeta, Amalthea, Amarantha, Amardad, Amaterasu, Amice, Amna, Amparo, Amurdad, Anahera, Anantha, Anargul, Anca, Anatu, Andraste, Andromache, Andromeda, Anemone, Angel, Angerona, Angharad, Angyalka, Annbjorg, Annunziata, Anoushka, Anouk, Antigone, Antiope, Ans, Anu, Anunciacion, Aoi, Aoibheann, Aphrodite, Apikalia, Apollinariya, Araminta, Aranrhod, Arax, Arethusa, Arevig, Argine, Arianrhod, Aristomache, Arnaude, Arnbjorg, Arzu, Ascencion, Asenath, Asherah, Ashtad, Ashtoreth, Asia, Aslog, Assumpta, Asmaa, Aspasia, Assunta, Astaroth, Astarte, Astra, Astraea, Ataahua, Atalanta, Adalbjorg, Athol, Atieno, Asuka, Atropos, Atsuko, Audhild, Aune, Aureole, Ausra, Avanti, Avdotya, Avgusta, Avice, Avishag, Awiti, Awotwi, Axelle, Ayelet, Aygul, Ayn, Ayo, Ayodele, Ayomide, Ayano
Here are your families (alphabetical order):
Posting name: Amanda
Last Name: Willoughby
! Andromeda Iris
! Horatio Lucius
Posting name: Andrew
Last Name: Wade
! Narnus David
! Archangela Rose
Posting name: Atheling
Last Name: Kennedy
! Dorian
! Petra
Posting name: Bernadette
Last Name: Katz
!-George Walter
!-Bernadette Lucille
Posting name: Daddysdancer
Last Name: Koch
! Chelsea Laura
! Caleb Lee
Posting name: Darkest
Last Name: Saltanpep
! Khalid Fayiz
! Isra Qamar
Posting Name: Georgia-Claire
Last Name: Lovell
! Henry Lysander
! India Blythe
Posting name: Hola123
Last Name: Payton
! Jason Rene
! Delilah Oasis
Posting name: Kelsie
Last Name: Punk
! Percy James
! Penelope Lulu
Posting name: Lena
Last Name: Pugh
! Marcus Wesley
! Coralie Matilda
Posting name: SwtNikki87
Last Name: Holland
! David Nathaniel
! Annelise Janelle "Anne"
Posting name: Spartz
Last Name: Sander
! Evan Francis
! Marie Nicole
Posting name: Starshelle
Last Name: Moon
! Matilda Florence
! Gerald Samuel
Posting name: Summer
Last Name: Vincent
! Shane Aidan
! Elaine Tierney "Laine"
Posting name: Wintertale
Last Name: Rice
! Noah Benjamin
! Anna Katherine
Posting Name: Tippins
! Gilbert Llewelyn
! Amanda Pepelu
(Also I'd kind of prefer it if you'd unlink your names, but it's not a big deal. I linked them because of the namebanks.)
242 PP's were given homes last round.
Here is this round's namebank: remember, you only have to use ONE name for ONE of your PP's, but you may use as many as you like. (They are big namebanks, so that should be OK.)
Aapo, Aatu Abaddon, Abednego, Abimbola, Abner, Absalom, Acacius, Ace, Acke, Adad, Adair, Adalberto, Adegoke, Adelmar, Aesop, Afif, Afolabi, Afzal, Agamemnon, Agathangelos, Agathon, Age, Agni, Agrippa, Ah, Ahab, Ahmose, Ahtahkakoop, Ailill, Aimo, Aingeru, Ajax, Ajeet, Akash, Ake, Akeem, Akhenaton, Aku, Al, Aladdin, Alborz, Alby, Aldo, Ale, Alf, Alonzo, Alfeo, Algar, Algernon, Alp, Alpha, Alpertti, Alphege, Alter, Alvaro, Alyosha, Aloysius, Amable, Amadeo, Amancio, Amando, Amar, Ambrogino, Americo, Amhlaoibh, Amilcar, Ammiel, Amos, Ampelio, Amram, Amrit, Amulius, An, Anacletus, Anah, Ananth, Anargyros, Anaxagoras, Anchjo, Ander, Androcles, Andronikos, Angel, Anibal, Anisim, Anselm, Ansgar, Antigonus, Antiman, Antinanco, ANtipater, Anto, Antonello, Anuj, Anupam, Anwar, Anxo, Aoi, Aphrodisios, Apollinaire, Apostol, Appius, Aragorn, Aram, Arash, Arastoo, Aravind, Arcangelo, Archelaus, Archibald, Archimedes, Archippos, Ardashir, Arduino, Argus, Argyros, Ares, Aristarchus, Aristides, Aristodemos, Aristotle, Arjuna, Arkady, Arkhip, Armo, Arn, Arne, Arndt, Arrigo, Art, Artaxerxes, Artemisios, Asbjorn, Asdrubal, Aseem, Ashok, Asklepiades, Aslan, Astrophel, Ataullah, Adalsteinn, Athanaric, Athol, Atlas, Aton, Attila, Atuf, Auberon, Aubert, Aucaman, Aurangzeb, Aureliusz, Avrum, Axel, Ayman, Ayo, Ayokunle, Ayomide, Ayotunde, Ayumu, Azarel, Azariah, Azazel, Azubuike
Aamu, Abelone, Abhilasha, Abishag, Acantha, Achieng, Adaeze, Adebowale, Adelheid, Adetokunbo, Adhiambo, Aditi, Adorinda, Adrasteia, Adwoa, Ælfgifu (Elfgifu), ÆÐELÞRYÐ, Aegle, Aeronwy, Afaf, Aferdita, Africa, Afua, Agafya, Agda, Aghavni, Agnetha, Agnieszka, Agot, Agurne, Ah, Ai, Aifric, Agrona, Akulina, Alazne, Alcippe, Alcyone, Alease, Alecto, Aleesha, Alenka, Alfhild, Alfonsina, Alfsigr, Allegria, Allochka, Almudena, Aloisia, Alondra, Alpha, Alphonsine, Aludra, Alzbeta, Amalthea, Amarantha, Amardad, Amaterasu, Amice, Amna, Amparo, Amurdad, Anahera, Anantha, Anargul, Anca, Anatu, Andraste, Andromache, Andromeda, Anemone, Angel, Angerona, Angharad, Angyalka, Annbjorg, Annunziata, Anoushka, Anouk, Antigone, Antiope, Ans, Anu, Anunciacion, Aoi, Aoibheann, Aphrodite, Apikalia, Apollinariya, Araminta, Aranrhod, Arax, Arethusa, Arevig, Argine, Arianrhod, Aristomache, Arnaude, Arnbjorg, Arzu, Ascencion, Asenath, Asherah, Ashtad, Ashtoreth, Asia, Aslog, Assumpta, Asmaa, Aspasia, Assunta, Astaroth, Astarte, Astra, Astraea, Ataahua, Atalanta, Adalbjorg, Athol, Atieno, Asuka, Atropos, Atsuko, Audhild, Aune, Aureole, Ausra, Avanti, Avdotya, Avgusta, Avice, Avishag, Awiti, Awotwi, Axelle, Ayelet, Aygul, Ayn, Ayo, Ayodele, Ayomide, Ayano
Here are your families (alphabetical order):
Posting name: Amanda
Last Name: Willoughby
! Andromeda Iris
! Horatio Lucius
Posting name: Andrew
Last Name: Wade
! Narnus David
! Archangela Rose
Posting name: Atheling
Last Name: Kennedy
! Dorian
! Petra
Posting name: Bernadette
Last Name: Katz
!-George Walter
!-Bernadette Lucille
Posting name: Daddysdancer
Last Name: Koch
! Chelsea Laura
! Caleb Lee
Posting name: Darkest
Last Name: Saltanpep
! Khalid Fayiz
! Isra Qamar
Posting Name: Georgia-Claire
Last Name: Lovell
! Henry Lysander
! India Blythe
Posting name: Hola123
Last Name: Payton
! Jason Rene
! Delilah Oasis
Posting name: Kelsie
Last Name: Punk
! Percy James
! Penelope Lulu
Posting name: Lena
Last Name: Pugh
! Marcus Wesley
! Coralie Matilda
Posting name: SwtNikki87
Last Name: Holland
! David Nathaniel
! Annelise Janelle "Anne"
Posting name: Spartz
Last Name: Sander
! Evan Francis
! Marie Nicole
Posting name: Starshelle
Last Name: Moon
! Matilda Florence
! Gerald Samuel
Posting name: Summer
Last Name: Vincent
! Shane Aidan
! Elaine Tierney "Laine"
Posting name: Wintertale
Last Name: Rice
! Noah Benjamin
! Anna Katherine
Posting Name: Tippins
! Gilbert Llewelyn
! Amanda Pepelu
This message was edited 4/21/2008, 8:35 AM
Posting name: Bernadette
Last Name: Katz
!-George Walter
!-Bernadette Lucille
####-Al Davis, Belle Astaria, Katharine Juliet, Rowan Spencer
!!!!!-Amarantha Marianne, William Jason, Paul Thomas, Stephen Amadeo, Adam Oliver
????-Viviana Aphrodite, Dylan Robert, Richard Agamemnon, Logan Ace
*****-Andrew Michael, Antonello Leonard, Sofia Maribelle, Cora Marissa, Jonathan James
!!-Noah Nathaniel, Willa Elaine
!!!!!!-Larissa Annabelle, Evan Marcus, Romeo Peter, Georgia Madeleine, Victor Henry, Anna Lisa Diane
Last Name: Katz
!-George Walter
!-Bernadette Lucille
####-Al Davis, Belle Astaria, Katharine Juliet, Rowan Spencer
!!!!!-Amarantha Marianne, William Jason, Paul Thomas, Stephen Amadeo, Adam Oliver
????-Viviana Aphrodite, Dylan Robert, Richard Agamemnon, Logan Ace
*****-Andrew Michael, Antonello Leonard, Sofia Maribelle, Cora Marissa, Jonathan James
!!-Noah Nathaniel, Willa Elaine
!!!!!!-Larissa Annabelle, Evan Marcus, Romeo Peter, Georgia Madeleine, Victor Henry, Anna Lisa Diane
Posting name: Wintertale
Last Name: Rice
! Noah Benjamin
! Anna Katherine
!! Anaxagoras / Andromeda
???? Archimedes / Aristotle / Agamemnon / Antigone
Last Name: Rice
! Noah Benjamin
! Anna Katherine
!! Anaxagoras / Andromeda
???? Archimedes / Aristotle / Agamemnon / Antigone
Posting name: Hola123
Last Name: Payton
! Jason Rene
! Delilah Oasis
????? Adrian Rhys / David Rowan / Jackeline Laurel / Angel Ayelet / Grant Michael
!!!!! Avila Jade / Charlotta Jewel / Naomi Gray / Theo Rene / Shaelyn Lorelei
???? Priscilla Oasis / Jason Riviera / Delilah Crimson / Cash Wesley
///// Libya Raine / Emma Grace / Yolanda Story / Lavada Reese / Nolan Lyric
Last Name: Payton
! Jason Rene
! Delilah Oasis
????? Adrian Rhys / David Rowan / Jackeline Laurel / Angel Ayelet / Grant Michael
!!!!! Avila Jade / Charlotta Jewel / Naomi Gray / Theo Rene / Shaelyn Lorelei
???? Priscilla Oasis / Jason Riviera / Delilah Crimson / Cash Wesley
///// Libya Raine / Emma Grace / Yolanda Story / Lavada Reese / Nolan Lyric
Posting name: Andrew
Last Name: Wade
! Narnus David
! Archangela Rose
?????? Aristomache, Antigone, Andromeda, Asklepiades, Attila, Akish
Last Name: Wade
! Narnus David
! Archangela Rose
?????? Aristomache, Antigone, Andromeda, Asklepiades, Attila, Akish
Posting name: Darkest
Last Name: Saltanpep
! Khalid Fayiz
! Isra Qamar
!!!!!! Arcangelo Amulius, Agamemnon Argyros, Aslan Archibald, Aspasia Ayelet, Aeronwy Anantha, and Alzbeta Akulina
Last Name: Saltanpep
! Khalid Fayiz
! Isra Qamar
!!!!!! Arcangelo Amulius, Agamemnon Argyros, Aslan Archibald, Aspasia Ayelet, Aeronwy Anantha, and Alzbeta Akulina
This message was edited 4/21/2008, 2:41 PM
I hope I did this correctly...
Posting name: Daddysdancer
Last Name: Koch
! Chelsea Laura
! Caleb Lee
??????: Anselm Peter, Ace Nathaniel, Alonzo Claus, Amadeo Soren, Arrigo Jones, Amando Lee
|||||: Alondra Sarah, Anca Belle, Axelle Liliana, Asuka Olivia, Araminta Elisabeth
$$: Arkady David, Alvaro Octavio
^: Amna Jolie
Posting name: Daddysdancer
Last Name: Koch
! Chelsea Laura
! Caleb Lee
??????: Anselm Peter, Ace Nathaniel, Alonzo Claus, Amadeo Soren, Arrigo Jones, Amando Lee
|||||: Alondra Sarah, Anca Belle, Axelle Liliana, Asuka Olivia, Araminta Elisabeth
$$: Arkady David, Alvaro Octavio
^: Amna Jolie
This message was edited 4/21/2008, 1:51 PM
I'm adding in MNs for the breeding pair, if that's okay. :)
Posting name: Atheling
Last Name: Kennedy
! Dorian Ferdinand
! Petra Lacrimosa
!!!!!! Orion Aurelian / Victor Hilarion / Virgil Hyperion / Aneurin Octavian / Harper Valerian / Heilyn Viridian
!! Axel Abaddon / Alazne Alecto
*** Illuminata Donata / Immaculata Renata / Fortunata Novata
Awww. They're adorable!
Posting name: Atheling
Last Name: Kennedy
! Dorian Ferdinand
! Petra Lacrimosa
!!!!!! Orion Aurelian / Victor Hilarion / Virgil Hyperion / Aneurin Octavian / Harper Valerian / Heilyn Viridian
!! Axel Abaddon / Alazne Alecto
*** Illuminata Donata / Immaculata Renata / Fortunata Novata
Awww. They're adorable!
This message was edited 4/21/2008, 5:04 PM
Posting Name: Georgia-Claire
Last Name: Lovell
! Henry Lysander
! India Blythe
!!!!! Asia Aureole Amarthana
!!!!! Antigone Allegria Arzu
Last Name: Lovell
! Henry Lysander
! India Blythe
!!!!! Asia Aureole Amarthana
!!!!! Antigone Allegria Arzu
Posting name: Starshelle
Last Name: Moon
! Matilda Florence
! Gerald Samuel
!!! Madeleine Aphrodite / Amalthea Rose / William Ares
??? Elinor Amarantha / Sylvia Aoibheann / Gabriel Absalom
%%%%% Henry Agamemnon / Victor Alonzo / Thomas Archibald / Laurence Amar / Gail Anemone
?????? Micah Amadeo / Lily Adelheid / Hester Aloisia / Miriam Andromeda / Benjamin Abner / Christopher Ace
! Margaret Astra
????? Reuben Axel / Stephen Amos / Nathaniel Aesop / Juilan Ajax / Estelle Amice
I hope I did this right.
Posting name: SwtNikki87
Last Name: Holland
! David Nathaniel
! Annelise Janelle "Anne"
!!! Amos David / Alondra Danielle / Amadeo Joseph
Last Name: Holland
! David Nathaniel
! Annelise Janelle "Anne"
!!! Amos David / Alondra Danielle / Amadeo Joseph
This message was edited 4/21/2008, 9:55 AM
Posting name: Amanda
Last Name: Willoughby
! Andromeda Iris
! Horatio Lucius
. Evelyn Calanthe
!! Agamemnon Ulysses , Archimedes Daedalus
&& Danica Aoide , Lucine Thalia
Last Name: Willoughby
! Andromeda Iris
! Horatio Lucius
. Evelyn Calanthe
!! Agamemnon Ulysses , Archimedes Daedalus
&& Danica Aoide , Lucine Thalia
This message was edited 4/21/2008, 11:49 AM
yes :)
Part of the fun with PP's is creating themey multiple sets. Another part is using just ridiculous names in general. So there are lots of spaces. If you don't want to do combos for all of them you don't need to. Remember you can be as silly as you please.
Part of the fun with PP's is creating themey multiple sets. Another part is using just ridiculous names in general. So there are lots of spaces. If you don't want to do combos for all of them you don't need to. Remember you can be as silly as you please.