[Games] Re: Keepskuh's Congrats Game Round 1
in reply to a message by Keepskuh
LN: Merseau
DH: Jack Maverick
DW: Lilo Victoria
DD/DD/DS/DS/DD/DS: Ava Elizabeth / Sophia Olivia / James Daniel / John William / Isabella Ruth / Andrew Henry
Number: 35
Lilo finds out that she’s having sextuplets. What do you do? Do you under go selective reducion? If you don’t, do all children survive birth?
Jack and Lilo tried to get pregnant a couple of months so when Lilo finally got pregnant they were very happy. Lilo's tummy grewed very fast and they soon found out that they were having sextuplets! The doctors said that selective reducion would be the best for all since the baby/babies would have bigger chance to survive then. Lilo and Jack said no because they can't choose who can live and who to die.
Their sextuplets were just born. The boys are triplets but not identical. All babies survived (for now) and their parents can't wait to bring them all home!

Ava, James, John and Andrew

Sophia and Isabella