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[Opinions] Lydia and Therese
I'm curious about what everyone things of these names...and I have a question.My cousin, whom I do not and have not spoken to for years, named his daughter Lydia. I don't plan on opening a door of communication between us ever...however I am exceptionally close to his mother, my aunt. Do you think that I could still use Lydia? He lives in Wisconsin, I live in and will live either in the North Dakota/Minnesota area or on the East Coast. That side of the family does not have family gatherings at all - it's quite small and for the most part the family patriachs and matriachs have passed away. It's doubtful that the two Lydias would even meet. Opinons? I rather like Lydia Magdalene and Judith Therese.
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Both combos are very nice. I always try to add Therese to my list and it fails to stick, but I do like it a lot. Lydia sticks though. It and Vera and Stella are my sibset of sweet simple sisters....Oh I was just reminded of a dream I just had. My teacher emailed me back with his *revised list* of names andAlice, Lillian, and Lydia were all within the top ten, and Alice was their number one. I was so excited and couldn't wait to tell BTN! Unfortunately it was a dream. Damn, damn, damn!*shrug* I do not have the problem everyone else seems to have with using similar or identical names as your relatives/friends do. Grace and I have delighted ourselves over the thought of both having sons named Rudolf. So naturally I don't see a problem with it, but my advice is not very helpful here. The main problem with using Lydia is that you've shortlisted Liora. I wouldn't use those two together, I don't think. Although maybe, the sound isn't that close. They just look a lot alike. The question is whether you can bring yourself to, not whether we can.
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LioraHas actually somewhat fallen off my list but stuck on X's. :-D So in my perfect world I'd have a Leah or Lydia instead, but it won't happen.:-D
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I admire both Lydia and Therese -- furthermore, the combinations are lovely.
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If you like the name Lydia go for it!
Please don't allow a soured family relationship to stop you.
If the two Lydias do meet sometime in the future - so what?! They will probably be intrigued, and have a giggle.
Your two combo choices are beautiful and very classy.
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I don't think it would matter if you used the name too, especially if you never see those family members.
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I adore LydiaAnd I say go for it. Especially if the chance of the two Lydias meeting is so remote. I have a cousin named Nicholas and a second cousin named Nicholas. Usually that would be a problem in our family as we are exceptionally close and see our second cousins as often as our first cousins- except second cousin Nicholas lives in the middle of no where on a station in Queensland. You can't fly there, you have to fly to QLD and then drive 14 hours to get there. So we rarely see them, once a year at most if they make the trip to Sydney for Christmas. Second-cousin-Nicholas's parents nearly didn't use the name they loved and actually asked for permission from my Aunt and Uncle to use it.Basically, I think you would regret ruling out any name because an obscure family member you never see has it. I think Lydia is gorgeous :)
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Personally, I'm more particular and would not want to use a name that has already been used in my family unless I'm honoring the person with that name. For that matter I'm also avoiding E names and C names because there are already so many in my family.That said, if it doesn't bother YOU and you absolutely love the name then go for it! Lydia is a lovely name. I like the sound of it and it reminds me of the movie Beetlejuice.Therese is okay, but I'm not crazy about it.
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The problem is thisX's family is gigantic. He has seven siblings; dozens of cousins and even more second cousins. So it's nearly impossible to find names that haven't been used by someone...if I had that rule all my favorites would be OUT.So it does bother me...but I have to overcome it. *shrugs*
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I personally am really big against doubling up cousin names like that...I have a few cousins who's names I love but would never ever use as a first name for sure...possibly middle names but I would have to consider it a long time..lolLydia is an ok name in my book..I really liked it for about a year but after that it really dropped right off my list of fave names.
Therese is ok but I think of a New Yorker when I hear just for that (not being a New Yorker myself) I wouldn't use it.
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A New Yorker...why?I think of the Saint (saints, really), Mother Therese, France...but New York? Thankfully I don't have that issue with cousins, otherwise the pool of names to chose from would be minuscule.
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Not sure why really...probably cuz of TV shows and stuff.
I have a ton of cousins myself but there are also a ton of good named
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I love Lydia, and yes, use it!I regret to this day not being able to name one of my daughters Erica. Pat has a 20 something niece named Erica. I didn't see using it a problem at all, since a) there would be such a big age difference and b) we see her once a year (Christmas). I didn't think it was a big deal at all. Pat sure did. So I'm telling you, from experience, use it if you love it.Both combos are nice. Judith seems kind of frumpy to me, though.
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TyvmI'll be having X read this and hopefully I'll get to use Peter. :-D
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