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[Opinions] nickname help. Also: Rosalind! + Also! Penelope!
I'm falling hard for Rosalind lately. Seems so old and strong yet delicate. [I much prefer BTN's interpretation to the Latinate "lovely precious pretty rose darling!" one.]Nicknames Rose and Rosie of course. Possibly Linda.I can see this making my shortlist. Love it! (My short list is now about eight names long. Unfortunate. Minerva, Cordelia, Lucretia, Ermengarde, Octavia, Rosalind, and Edith. [Edith sticks out. Bless her!]) Adelaide I would also like to shortlist but I'd rather use it as a MN than not "get to it". Eta: Penelope! Siri's post reminded me how much I love it and what an awesome name it is. Even though it's four syllables it seems very sensible to me. Love all the nicknames and I love the image it conjures in my head.Oh look a segway
Incidentally, one of my favorite aspects of that list is probable most common pet names (affectionate pet names, not permanent nicknames):
Minnie, Della, Lulu, [Ermengarde], Ozzie, Rosie, Edie, Addy. Nell. (possibly Pippy, Poppy, Penny, Peep, Pip, Pop, Pen. Pelope. But probably Nell.)Ermengarde is the problem.
I still love it very very much and not because I think it is very ugly and that it is funny to be really ugly in a world of Ava's and Isabella's, but because I think it is gorgeous. I will not argue with anyone about this. I think it's gorgeous.
The problem is as follows:The obvious nickname is "Minnie."
Or else "Ermie."
Or possibly "Gardie."I like Minnie the best but I can not have two Minnie's! I also like Mimi for Minerva Maria, but I like Minnie more.Pls help.
I guess I could do initials. Ermengarde Sylvest Polymnia. ESP.
Ermengarde nn Ee Ess. Essie. That's silly. That lends itself to a lot more permanence than I want.
Ehh. Do not like. Could grow on me but do not like now.
Help pls.

This message was edited 5/27/2008, 9:32 PM

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Other possible nicknames for Ermengarde
(if you go the initial route) Espi/Espy (I had a friend Esperanza who was always Espi)It's really hard!I give a huge thumbs up to Rosalind, it's one of my favourites.
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Emmy and Em are a bit of a problem since my name is Emma :P I like them though. I should change my name.Erma is nice too! Duh!Meg! That is a very good idea and a very good excessive-teasing-fallback.Espy is neat!Thanks, good ideas here.
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I would use:
Rosalind 'Rose'
Adelaide 'Ada'
Penelope 'Penny'
Cordelia 'Cordy'I like Octavia and Minerva, but none of the nns I can think of.
I just can't stand Lucretia, my first thought is always 'excretia'.
Ermengarde isn't ugly, but I can't see it being usable as a fn.
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Thanks for the feedback. I love Lucretia, I do not care about excretia and I think people that meet my hypothetical Lucretia will get over that pretty fast.Anyway, my question was about nicknames for Ermengarde :P I'm pretty set on the others. I don't like Cordy much, it sounds silly to me, but it's good to know someone likes it! Ada is nice for Adelaide but I find it a bit contrived as I say Ada AE-da and Adelaide ADDA-lade.I think Ermengarde is usable *shrug* I know a girl named Caress who doesn't have any trouble. The only thing sticky about it is its lack of nicknames that aren't Minnie. I like Enga though.
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Possible nickames:Erma
EmmyDo you like any? Personally I think it is a lovely name and I think Enga and Ren are particularly nice as nicknames.Also Love Love Love Penelope, and Rosalind to a lesser degree.
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I really really really like Enga. I also like Ardie and Arda a lot but I think Enga is more appropriate.Ren is also very nice but I think it's a bit of a stretch.Thanks so much! I love Enga :D :D :D
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Glad I could help :) nt!
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I'm falling hard for Rosalind lately. Seems so old and strong yet delicate. [I much prefer BTN's interpretation to the Latinate "lovely precious pretty rose darling!" one.]Nicknames Rose and Rosie of course. Possibly Linda.I love Rosalind. How are you pronouncing it, though? rose-a-lind sounds very wrong to me, as rohz-a-lind is what I normally hear. That said I adore the nn Roz. Linda is okay.I like Penelope quite a lot as well. Ditto on affectionate pet family is incredibly fond of them. My favorite nn for Penelope would probably between Pip, Peep, and Nell. I think Pop is cute...but I don't want everyone wondering why I call my child after the fizzy drink. My brothers called and still call me salad...the questions I get a ridiculous. :-DErmengarde is the problem.
I still love it very very much and not because I think it is very ugly and that it is funny to be really ugly in a world of Ava's and Isabella's, but because I think it is gorgeous. I will not argue with anyone about this. I think it's gorgeous.
The problem is as follows:The obvious nickname is "Minnie."
Or else "Ermie."
Or possibly "Gardie."I like Minnie the best but I can not have two Minnie's! I also like Mimi for Minerva Maria, but I like Minnie more.Mimi makes me laugh. It's actually what the grandkids call my mom instead of grandma. It's too bad, as it's an adorable nn. However, have you thought of Mamie? I like it. Ermengarde is a very cool name...not something I would use, but coop. Essie is much too cute for me, but it's okay. My vote goes for Mamie, honestly. :-D Btw, check out the stats for Penelope. :-D
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Mamie!I love Mamie!
Might be a bit of a stretch for Ermengarde. I'll have to wrap my mind around it. But I like it a lot! A+ idea.My recently deceased great grandmother was called Mamie by her kids, Munny by her grands and greatgrands, and Tom by her sisters. My mother plans to insist that her grandkids call her Mimi, which is fine with me, I dig it.Oh, Penelope. Well, good for her. She deserves trendiness. Bet those are smart parents.
It doesn't bother me too much - as I have said, there's nothing wrong with being trendy as long as it's good! Adelaide's stats, for instance, does not bother me. However if Penelope hits the top 100 it will also probably fall off my short list.eta: Rosalind I am saying rose-a-lind. I am not very keen on Rahzalind + Roz, but I wouldn't mind if she were occasionally called that. I have heard it both ways. I just like long O's a lot, and R's, and Z sounds, and the image of a Rose that comes from the nickname Rose/Rosie.

This message was edited 5/27/2008, 10:21 PM

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Just wondering how you actually say Mamie? The pronunciation on the site confused me a bit. Is it like MAY-mee, or more like "mammy"? Sorry it's OT, thanks for your help!
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Huh. Imagine that. Mammy.Mamie is totally MAY-mee to me.BTN is weird sometimes :P
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