[Facts] 28 names of the illirian-alba language
my hotmail is a861208a@hotmail.com if any etymolgy freaks wont my help to translate famous names with the help of the albanish and illirian language. Ya'all can even post your question in this message board. If some one haves questions who the ilirian were and who the albanian people are i'll be willing to answer. Here is 28 names i think many of you people out there have got albanian names.
Yllberta, the name is dervied from the albanish "yll" meanig "star" and "berta" from albanish "bertas" meaning "scream". The name means in albanish "screaming star".
Barbara> the name is dervied from the albanish "barabar" meaning "the same". In greek it havs another meaning "barabarian".
Sabrina, the name is dervied from the albanish "sa brinë" meaning "who many horns".
Debora, the name is dervied from the albanish "dëborë" meaning "snow". The names Doborah and Debra is form of other languages.
Paul, the name is dervied from the albanish "pa yll" meaning "without star". In illirian it had another form maybe "pau hylli" or "pa hylli" it means the same as in albanish.
Sicilia, the name is dervied from the albanish words "si" meaning "how and the word "i cili" meaning "wich".
Casander, Cassandra, the name is dervied from the albanish "ca sa" meaning "how much" or "how many" and the other word "ënderr" meaning "dream" the second word "ëndrra" meaning "the dream". "ca sa ëndrra" means "how many dreams". In ilirian "ca sa andra" or "ca sa ander" mean the same as in albanish.
Suzana/e, the name is dervied from the two albanish words "sy" meaning "eyes" and "zani" meaning "voice" or "sound". The name means in albanish "the sound of the eyes". In turkish "suz" means "stop" but there isint any turkish word that can translate the word "ana".
Sandra, the name si dervied from the illirian "sa andra" meaning "how many dreams" in albanish it havs another form "sa ëndrra".
Constanta, the name is dervied from the illirian word "kost" in albanish "kush" meaning "who" and the other "anda" in albanish "ende" meaning "yet". Contantine the great had illyrian origin and his sister was named Constanta, there is a city in romania that is called "Constanta" it is named after her. The city havs before called Kushendje and Kushendije. In latin the word Constant means "steadfast".
Katerina, the name is dervied from the illirian "kater" or maybe "catar" or "cater" is very hard to tell but in albanish "kater" meaning "four" and the ilirian word "a rina" in albanish "a rrina" meaning "should we stay". The hole names means "should we four stay". There was a illyrian tribie thats was named "catari". The illyrian Queen Teuta was called Queen Catherine The Great Of Illyria. In greek katerina means "pure, clean".
Theodora, it is psooibly that the name is dervied from the illirian "theo" in albanish "thyej" meaning "breaker" and the other word "dora" havs the same form as in ilirian and albanish and havs the same meaning "hand". The hole name means "breaker hand". "theodora" in illirian and "thyejdora" in albanish. The Bysance king Justianus wife was named Theodora they bouth had illyrians origin.
Ana, the name is dervied from the albanish "ane" or "ana" meaning "side". A greek godess was named Triana after the albanish words "tri" meaning three. Together it means "three sides". The albanians capital citie is named Tirana.
Amadora, the name is dervied from the albanish "am a" meaning "give me" and "dora" meaning "hand. Together it means "give me your hand"
Amadita, the name is dervied from the albanish "am a" meaning "give me" and "dita" meaning "day". Together it means "give me the day".
Aleksander, Aleksandra, the name is dervied from the illirian "ka le si ander" or "ka le si andra" in albanish "ka le si ëndërr" or "ka le si ëndrra" meaning "born like a dream". Alexander mother Olympia that had illyrian origin named Alexander after the illirian words. In greek Aleksander means "protector of man".
Adrian, Adriana, In the late albanish better known as in illirian or illyrian language the name Ardian meant "the future" there was a illyrian tribe that was named Adriani or Ardi and the kingdom was named Ardia. In northern itlay there was a illyrian tribe that was named Pienci and they created the city Hadria and the pienci people gave the name to the town from a diffrent illirian language thats was spoken in South of Italy. Hadria and Adria meant the same but they had diffren form as you can see. Today the town is know as Adria, the town gave it name to the Adriatic Sea. In latin Hadrianus mean "from Hadria". The illyrian word Ardian and Ardia still lives on in the albanish but it haves another form "ardhjen" and "ardhja". I hope i gave you the right answer to your question.
Arrina/e, the name is dervied from the albanish "a rrina" meaning "Should we stay".
Besa, is derived from the albanish "bese" meaning "promice" or "upwright". Bessa is just a english form of thee name Besa. A illyrian was named Besian there is a place in Kosova that is calld Besiana.
Linda, the name is dervied from the albanish "lindja" meaning "birth".
Teuta, is derived from the illirian "te uta" in albanish "te urta" meaning "the good" The ancinte queen of illyria was named Teuta.
Vera, the name is dervided from the albanish "vere" meaning "sommer".
Mari, Maria, the name ís posibly dervied from the illirian "ardmaria" in albanish "ardhmeria" meaning "the future" there is a other words in albanish that can explain this name what it means "ma e ria" meaning "the newste" or the other word "ma e ri" meaning "more new". The name Mary the virgin mother of Jesus had a illyrian name.
Kristina/e, the name is possibly dervied from the illyrian "krhi" in albanish "kryë" meaning "head" and another word "esti" or "est" from the ilirian in albanish "esthe" or "asht" meaning "is". Together it means "the head is".
Marta, the name is derivied from the albanish "(e) marte) meaning "thursday" the second day in the week. The name Martha is just another form of language like in english.
Hana, the name is dervied from the albanish "(e) hane) meaning "monday" the first day in the week.
Roma, the name of the capital city of Italia. The name is dervied from the albanish Romulak meaning "round". The city was gounded by Romolusi and Remusi sons to the doter of Enuet in other words the dardanians (illyrian tribe).
Ajax, a God in greek mythology the names is dervied from the ilirian "ajax" in albanish "gjakës" meaning "the man who likes blood".
Yllberta, the name is dervied from the albanish "yll" meanig "star" and "berta" from albanish "bertas" meaning "scream". The name means in albanish "screaming star".
Barbara> the name is dervied from the albanish "barabar" meaning "the same". In greek it havs another meaning "barabarian".
Sabrina, the name is dervied from the albanish "sa brinë" meaning "who many horns".
Debora, the name is dervied from the albanish "dëborë" meaning "snow". The names Doborah and Debra is form of other languages.
Paul, the name is dervied from the albanish "pa yll" meaning "without star". In illirian it had another form maybe "pau hylli" or "pa hylli" it means the same as in albanish.
Sicilia, the name is dervied from the albanish words "si" meaning "how and the word "i cili" meaning "wich".
Casander, Cassandra, the name is dervied from the albanish "ca sa" meaning "how much" or "how many" and the other word "ënderr" meaning "dream" the second word "ëndrra" meaning "the dream". "ca sa ëndrra" means "how many dreams". In ilirian "ca sa andra" or "ca sa ander" mean the same as in albanish.
Suzana/e, the name is dervied from the two albanish words "sy" meaning "eyes" and "zani" meaning "voice" or "sound". The name means in albanish "the sound of the eyes". In turkish "suz" means "stop" but there isint any turkish word that can translate the word "ana".
Sandra, the name si dervied from the illirian "sa andra" meaning "how many dreams" in albanish it havs another form "sa ëndrra".
Constanta, the name is dervied from the illirian word "kost" in albanish "kush" meaning "who" and the other "anda" in albanish "ende" meaning "yet". Contantine the great had illyrian origin and his sister was named Constanta, there is a city in romania that is called "Constanta" it is named after her. The city havs before called Kushendje and Kushendije. In latin the word Constant means "steadfast".
Katerina, the name is dervied from the illirian "kater" or maybe "catar" or "cater" is very hard to tell but in albanish "kater" meaning "four" and the ilirian word "a rina" in albanish "a rrina" meaning "should we stay". The hole names means "should we four stay". There was a illyrian tribie thats was named "catari". The illyrian Queen Teuta was called Queen Catherine The Great Of Illyria. In greek katerina means "pure, clean".
Theodora, it is psooibly that the name is dervied from the illirian "theo" in albanish "thyej" meaning "breaker" and the other word "dora" havs the same form as in ilirian and albanish and havs the same meaning "hand". The hole name means "breaker hand". "theodora" in illirian and "thyejdora" in albanish. The Bysance king Justianus wife was named Theodora they bouth had illyrians origin.
Ana, the name is dervied from the albanish "ane" or "ana" meaning "side". A greek godess was named Triana after the albanish words "tri" meaning three. Together it means "three sides". The albanians capital citie is named Tirana.
Amadora, the name is dervied from the albanish "am a" meaning "give me" and "dora" meaning "hand. Together it means "give me your hand"
Amadita, the name is dervied from the albanish "am a" meaning "give me" and "dita" meaning "day". Together it means "give me the day".
Aleksander, Aleksandra, the name is dervied from the illirian "ka le si ander" or "ka le si andra" in albanish "ka le si ëndërr" or "ka le si ëndrra" meaning "born like a dream". Alexander mother Olympia that had illyrian origin named Alexander after the illirian words. In greek Aleksander means "protector of man".
Adrian, Adriana, In the late albanish better known as in illirian or illyrian language the name Ardian meant "the future" there was a illyrian tribe that was named Adriani or Ardi and the kingdom was named Ardia. In northern itlay there was a illyrian tribe that was named Pienci and they created the city Hadria and the pienci people gave the name to the town from a diffrent illirian language thats was spoken in South of Italy. Hadria and Adria meant the same but they had diffren form as you can see. Today the town is know as Adria, the town gave it name to the Adriatic Sea. In latin Hadrianus mean "from Hadria". The illyrian word Ardian and Ardia still lives on in the albanish but it haves another form "ardhjen" and "ardhja". I hope i gave you the right answer to your question.
Arrina/e, the name is dervied from the albanish "a rrina" meaning "Should we stay".
Besa, is derived from the albanish "bese" meaning "promice" or "upwright". Bessa is just a english form of thee name Besa. A illyrian was named Besian there is a place in Kosova that is calld Besiana.
Linda, the name is dervied from the albanish "lindja" meaning "birth".
Teuta, is derived from the illirian "te uta" in albanish "te urta" meaning "the good" The ancinte queen of illyria was named Teuta.
Vera, the name is dervided from the albanish "vere" meaning "sommer".
Mari, Maria, the name ís posibly dervied from the illirian "ardmaria" in albanish "ardhmeria" meaning "the future" there is a other words in albanish that can explain this name what it means "ma e ria" meaning "the newste" or the other word "ma e ri" meaning "more new". The name Mary the virgin mother of Jesus had a illyrian name.
Kristina/e, the name is possibly dervied from the illyrian "krhi" in albanish "kryë" meaning "head" and another word "esti" or "est" from the ilirian in albanish "esthe" or "asht" meaning "is". Together it means "the head is".
Marta, the name is derivied from the albanish "(e) marte) meaning "thursday" the second day in the week. The name Martha is just another form of language like in english.
Hana, the name is dervied from the albanish "(e) hane) meaning "monday" the first day in the week.
Roma, the name of the capital city of Italia. The name is dervied from the albanish Romulak meaning "round". The city was gounded by Romolusi and Remusi sons to the doter of Enuet in other words the dardanians (illyrian tribe).
Ajax, a God in greek mythology the names is dervied from the ilirian "ajax" in albanish "gjakës" meaning "the man who likes blood".
And what is the Al-baboonian word for "Al-baboonian liar who is not even capable of fooling himself, let alone of fooling people from the civilized parts of the world"?
Aha, and...
some Albanian invented the radio 20 years before Marconi, but forgot to patent it. Ditto for television and space travel.
some Albanian invented the radio 20 years before Marconi, but forgot to patent it. Ditto for television and space travel.
Oh yeah, and...
"George" comes from the "Albanish" (sic) GER OXH meaning "he who cant skate properly" :P
"George" comes from the "Albanish" (sic) GER OXH meaning "he who cant skate properly" :P