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[Opinions] Denali and Delani... Good twin names?
I was picturing Denali as a boy and Delani as a girl.

So maybe i'm crazy, or maybe you're crazy, or maybe...I should stop 'yappin.
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Well even though [m]they look close they are two different names. I wouldn't use them as don't find their appeal. However, I've seen worse names it's better then the twins I ofund both named Gabriel or the twin boys Layton, and Tayton.
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Okay, I have dyslexic tendencies. I wouldn't be able to spell their names and it took me a bit to figure out that they weren't the same name, so it seems like a bad idea to me. Denali and Delaney might be okay, though I prefer very different names on twins.
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Awful twin namesNot only do they sound too similar, but looking at the two together can be confusing as the eye can easily flip the L and N to make them look exactly the same. And I'm not even dyslexic!Twins are individual people and deserve individual names, not names that tie them together so closely as to be considered one unit.
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First off, dyslexic people would be very confused. And they sound awful.
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I agreeat first I thought: "you want to give twins the exact same name?!". I am a bit dyslectic though...
vote up1 eye WAS flipping those letters, and I didn't even notice. They're still just as awful. I ditto this post so much.
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Waaay to close! If you try say them together it's hard because of how close they are. Don't do it!
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I really dislike cutesy/themey twinsets. I feel twins are two completely different people and while they should have names that compliment each other, they shouldn't be too similar. Delani and Denali would be incredibly confusing in my opinion.About the names themselves. I know Denali is another name for Mt. McKinley and it's a national park & preserve. That makes it somewhat neat, though I still think it looks like a made-up, trendy name. Delani is just bad in my honest opinion. Delaney would be better, though I still don't care for it (bad association).

This message was edited 6/12/2008, 10:13 PM

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I don't like either neame much. Delaney(spelled like this) is surnamey but cute enough, Delani just looks made up. Denali reminds me of the oversized SUV.
Aside from my feelings about the names themselves, when you put them together as siblings it's overly confusing and too cutesie. Make them twins and it's down right awful, imo. Twins may share a birthday, but they don't need to share all the letters in their name!
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I think it's neat that you found 2 lovely names that are so similar to each other. That said, I am not personally fond of very similar names for twins. I think the link of their sharing the womb is enough--sharing name elements goes across the line. That's just my opinion, though. Anyhow, I would look out for the imbalance in the meanings of the names. Denali is a mystical word, the name of a famous mountain, while Delani seems more like a trendy invention, a concoction of the -lani names and the popular girls' last-name-as-a-first-name Delaney (correct me if I'm wrong on this). I feel like Delani might feel a little shorted.
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ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!Forgive me for shouting, but that would be horrible! I *HATE* it when people like to think of twins as the same exact person, and give them really cheesy, similar names. Please, please, PLEASE don't.
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Yeah, that.
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Good twin names if you want them to be confused by others (and yourself) all the time.My mother calls me by my sisters' names on occasion (heck, I do it with my sisters), and our names don't even sound alike. I can't even imagine how hard it would be to keep Denali-Delani straight.If you really like the idea, consider using them as middle names? :)Array
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