I love Russian nicknames, how they are just so cute.
Anushka, Mashka, etc etc.
My favourite Russian "name" is Petrova, I know now it's a patriarch (sp?) but in one of my favourite childhood books (Ballet Shoes) they called the little adopted girl Petrova as she was from Russia. This was obviously a cultural mistake of the author but I loved that girl who dreamt of planes but danced against her wishes to make money for the family :)
Aww tell Bayr his name is awesome and not to listen to those meanies at school :( All of their names are great but my favourite is
Ilya. I agee with you how cute and boyish it is. Cute, but not girly cute.
Hmm, another love of mine right now is
Nevena. It's not Russian, but Bulgarian. I get a similar vibe from it though. And
Olena, which is Ukranian. Some actual Russian names you might want to think about:
Pavel "
Pasha" :)