[Opinions] Nicholas and Daniel?
Great, strong names.
That sucks about Samuel. Even though Samuel, Daniel & Nicholas are all pretty much equally popular, I find Samuel refreshing and handsome and sweet. But Daniel and Nicholas are just boring and overused imo. My brother's name is Nicholas (he's in his 40s) so that's probably why it's not "fresh" to me, lol. And Daniel used to be a huge favorite of mine, but it's just too popular now (plus I greatly dislike the nn's Dan and Danny).


Daniel although both names are nms
“It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.”
~Mark Twain
~Mark Twain
I love both names
The summer ends and we wonder who we are, and there you go, my friends, with your boxes in your car...
- Dar Williams
The summer ends and we wonder who we are, and there you go, my friends, with your boxes in your car...
- Dar Williams
I love both names. They are great and you should definitely go on with them if you like them. Daniel and Samuel don't seem similar to me (beside the second letter being an a and the ending -el).
I also love the spelling Nicolas.
Nicolas Daniel
Daniel Nicolas
Both combos are great.
Proud Mommy to Noah Benjamin

I also love the spelling Nicolas.
Nicolas Daniel
Daniel Nicolas
Both combos are great.
Proud Mommy to Noah Benjamin

They are both nice names even though they're very common. They would make nice names for brothers.
I love both equally.
I like Daniel best.
I like both names (and only the spelling Nicholas). So, it'd depend upon the middle name choice(s). But, I think Nicholas Daniel flows nicely, as does Samuel Nicholas. Why can't you use Samuel, if you don't mind me asking?
Edit: Spacing.

We bare our souls and tell the most appalling secrets. - "Little Women"
Edit: Spacing.

This message was edited 10/4/2005, 7:54 PM
My SIL is pregnant and if it's a boy, they will be naming him Samuel :).
I'm one of the very few (if only) person who believes that one should use a name, no matter what, including if a family member is already using the name for their child. So, I would still use the name, regardless. But, that's my way of thinking, and I know hardly anyone agrees.

We bare our souls and tell the most appalling secrets. - "Little Women"

They are both really cute names no matter if they're over used!
Daniel is cute but I don't like Dan or Danny as nicknames. I like Niel instead. Try: DEINIOL (Welsh), TANIEL (Armenian), DENIEL (Breton)
Nicholas is very nice but what about: MIKOLÁS (Slovak, Czech), NELS (Swedish), NICKOLAUS (German), NICOLAE (Romanian), NILS (Swedish, Norwegian)
or my personal favorite: COLIN (Scottish) I love it!
Daniel is cute but I don't like Dan or Danny as nicknames. I like Niel instead. Try: DEINIOL (Welsh), TANIEL (Armenian), DENIEL (Breton)
Nicholas is very nice but what about: MIKOLÁS (Slovak, Czech), NELS (Swedish), NICKOLAUS (German), NICOLAE (Romanian), NILS (Swedish, Norwegian)
or my personal favorite: COLIN (Scottish) I love it!
I prefer Daniel to Samuel. The "mule" part of Samuel has never really sat well with me. Daniel is so warm and honey-like in my mind. I don't think I've ever met a Dan / Daniel that wasn't a nice guy. (Not that I've ever met a nasty Samuel either.)
I like both Nicholas and Nicolas. I think Nicolas is also the French spelling, as well. I would use the Nicholas spelling, just because it would be easier / less of a hassle.
I like both Nicholas and Nicolas. I think Nicolas is also the French spelling, as well. I would use the Nicholas spelling, just because it would be easier / less of a hassle.
I like both names. They would make a nice sibset, too.