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[Opinions] Acceptable nicknames for horrible names
So I was just reading at the Dublin quads post...I looked at the name "Princess," and couldn't help thinking, "I can't imagine actually insisting that people call me 'Princess' my whole what would you actually go by with a name like that?!"So what would you actually go by with a name like Princess? Or Chardonnay or Miracle or Cincere? It doesn't necessarily have to be a trashy name, though - it could be something like D'Artagnon, which is a bit of a mouthful. These are just examples, though - I'm just curious how one might rescue names like that with nicknames.Appologies if you like Princess, Chardonnay, Miracle, or Cincere and I have somehow offended you. And I don't necessarily think all of the following names are "horrible" (I'm even somewhat fond of one or two)...some of them I just think are too long or might be teasing bait...but anwyay, here's my list of nns:Chardonnay - "Donna"
Cincere - "Cindy"
Gossamer - "Sam"
Miracle - "Mira"
Montserrat - "Sara"
Pleiades - "Leah" or "Leia"
Princess - "Rin"
Shenandoah - "Anna"D'Artagnon - "Art" or "Tan"
Obsidian - "Ian"
Remington - "Remy"
Seabring - "Abe"
Xanadu - "Xander"So what names do you have that "oh, but what would you go by?" reaction to, like I did to Princess? And how would you nn them?
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D'Artagnan is an awesome name I'd use "Dart as a NN ny
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Chardonnay - Arden? Donna
Cincere - Cin or Sera
Gossamer - Amy
Miracle - Mira
Montserrat - Mona
Pleiades - Leia
Princess - Cessa
Shenandoah - ShannonD'Artagnon - Art or Tag (still ew)
Obsidian - Sid
Remington - Rem or Ming
Seabring - Sea or "C" maybe Sean, if I could swing it
Xanadu - Xan, Xander
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Chardonnay -Ara, Ari, Char
Cincere -Cia, Cissy
Gossamer -Amy, Merry
Miracle - Mira, Mia, Miri
Montserrat - Sara / Sarah / Sera, Mona, Era
Pleiades -Leia, Lei, Ada
Princess - Rina, Ina, Cessy
Shenandoah - Anna, HennaD'Artagnon -Dar, Daro
Obsidian -Ian, Dan
Remington -Em, Ming (that one is hard)
Seabring -Bri, Seb
Xanadu -Xan, Andy
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Chardonnay - Charie (Sherry), Donna, Donnay (Danae)
Cincere - Cindy, Cece, Cera (Sarah)
Gossamer - Sam, Sammy, Merry
Miracle - Mira, Mia
Montserrat - Mona, Serra (Sarah), Tessa could be pulled off I think
Pleiades - Leia, Lia (Leah), Pia, Ada, Desi
Princess - Pria (Priya), Penny
Shenandoah - Shenan (Shannon), Anna / Annie, Shena (Shanna or Shayna), Nan / NancyD'Artagnon - Art, Darren
Obsidian - Sid, Ian
Remington - Remy, Tony, Ren (Wren)
Seabring - Brin (Bryn), Sebbie / Seb
Xanadu - Duey (Dewey), though I hate it
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I think Cessy is cute for Princess.
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Here are mineChardonnay - "Donna" - Char, Charlie, Ardon?
Cincere - "Cindy" - Cee-cee, Cery
Gossamer - "Sam" - Amer
Miracle - "Mira" - I like Mira best. Mia, Mi-mi
Montserrat - "Sara" - Sara is best.
Pleiades - "Leah" or "Leia" - can't think of others.
Princess - "Rin" - Prissy, Cissy, Cee-cee
Shenandoah - "Anna" - Shenan (like Shannon), AndyD'Artagnon - "Art" or "Tan" - Art, Agnon
Obsidian - "Ian" - Sid
Remington - "Remy" - Remy is the best (all) I can think of
Seabring - "Abe" - Seab
Xanadu - "Xander" - Xan
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Once in Sabrina Fair's BAs there was a kid named Tyrant. I wonder what he could go by. Tyrone perhaps? Ryan? I think some people might as well change their name altogether. Btw: Montserrat doesn't really fit in your list. While of course some people might consider it ugly, but otherwise it's a perfectly legit name and very comon in Catalonia, so it's not anything remotely weird.
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See, Montserrat I quite like the sound of. It is a legit name, yes, but in the US it's nothing close to common. I imagine if I went to school with someone named "Montserrat" she wouldn't be too keen on being called by her full name all the time, and it does seem like a name kids would tease about. I put "horrible" in the title of my post and then it became more "names that a kid really needs a nn for in order to get by" but that's a bit much to say so I just left the title of my post the way it was. But anyway, I don't consider "Monserrat" horrible or non-legit, I just think she needs a nickname.
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Working in a NICU, we come across babies with horrible names on a daily basis, and if they are with us for a long period of time, we tend to unofficially rename them or at least give them nn's, so I know where you're coming from. For instance, Princess might become "Essie" or Miracle "Mira", etc. One Miracle we had became Sofia (deemed so by her primary nurse), unofficially at least, after she was with us for almost 66 months and before she went into foster care.
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Whoah66 months? All in the hospital, or did she have some medical condition that required frequent hospital visits?
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I wanted to ask the same thing, but then I assumed Isla had made a typo and meant 6 months, since it seems highly unlikely that a child, whatever its medical conditions or other issues, would stay more than 4 years at NICU.
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Yes, it was a typo!Sorry, I just now realized I typed 66 instead of SIX! ;)As long as I've been there, we've never had a baby stay longer than about 8-9 months. If they have to stay any longer than 5-6 months, usually, they are sent to a different part of the hospital.
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I'd be Char or Charlie with Chardonnay, Cindy or Siri with S/Cincere, Gussie with Gossamer, Mimi with Miracle, Serra maybe? with Montserrat? Lee maybe with Pleiades? Cessa with Princess, Shen, Nana, Nancy or Do with ShenandoahArt with D'Artagnan, Sid with Obsidian, Remy with Remington, Ebe or Sebe with Seabring, and, well, Xan with Xanadu. Which is, btdubs, amazing and totally different from Xander :D
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Xanadu is a bit too far out for me, and while I know it's not nearly the same as Xander...I dunno, I just tend to prefer Xander, and Xan felt too short or too obvious or something. I thought about using "Xan" but then I was like "but it's close to Xander, and I like Xander!" so yeah.I mean, Xanadu is cool. Just it sounds more like some amazing, exotic island than a person to me.And now I want to name the Lost island "Xanadu"...
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I know a little girl named Chardonnay, I believe she goes by Charlie.Some examples I know:
Quella (prn. CUE-ella) - Everyone called her Q
Punam - Went by Punie
Dahong - Girl from South Korea, went by Dawn

This message was edited 7/8/2008, 11:29 AM

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Quella sounds like Cruella with a speech impediment. Ouch.
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I've always thought the same thingThat's why we called her Q :P
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