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[Opinions] Angelina Jolie's twins
Apparently she had a boy and a girl at 6am this morning (NZ time).
Their names (according to, which is where I found this story) are Knox Leon and Vivienne Marcheline.
Knox Leon I could live without, but Vivienne Marcheline is completely gorgeous (especially the fact that Marcheline honours Angelina's mother).ETA: I'm not sure how true this is. Apologies if it's not! I did find it on a news website though, as opposed to a tabloid one. Here's the actual link to the story: I hope Vivienne Marcheline is true at least.

This message was edited 7/12/2008, 8:28 PM

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I love Vivienne Marcheline!It's gorgeous. Knox Leon, on the other hand... ugh. Leon is nice enough, but Knox is very choppy and unattractive.
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Not bad names, not really my cup of tea though but at least they have nice legit names and not made up cr@p like a few other celebs have done. Good on them. Marcheline was her late mother's name wasn't it?
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Vivienne Marcheline is very pretty. I much prefer it to Shiloh Nouvel. It's much more feminine. As for Knox Leon, I kind of like Knox, but it's not something I'd use myself. Same with Leon.
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I really dislike Knox. But out of all her brood's names, I dislike Pax the most... "pax" is a feminine word, too!Vivienne Marcheline is just gorgeous, though. I think Zahara is beautiful, too.
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Knox is interesting, but her and Brad could've done better with something other than Leon. Plus, she may have started to (possibly unintentionally) theme the boys' names by ending them all in x (Maddox, Pax, Knox). Vivienne Marcheline is nice, and I especially adore Marcheline.
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Yay! More beautiful babies!Read it first thing this morning on And then the celebrity baby blog.I really like Knox, though I'd never use it personally.And Vivienne Marcheline is indeed, beautiful.Congrats to Angelina, Brad, and the entire clan!
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I have always liked the name Knox. It definately seems Angelina's style. She seems to love names that involve the letter X. Perhaps she finds it exotic or something. *shrug*
I can't really say that any of the other names wow me. The only thing I can say about the other three is that they aren't total crap.
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Just to confirm what a couple of others have mentioned in passing, Knox is from the name of Brad Pitt's maternal grandfather, Hal Knox Hillhouse, as is shown by the following site: I think it was nice that they could find a name in their ancestry that also fit with their tastes in sounds.
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Hmm. I don't think they go with the other kids, I was expecting something different from them. Like, the others have like... this cool sort of style. Knox Leon just seems stuffy, and is way to close to the other boy's names [Knox, Pax, Maddox]. Vivienne Marcheline is pretty, but very... ordinary compared to the others... like, just so plain. Maddox, Pax, Zahara, Shiloh, Knox, and Vivienne. See... it's just like... so boring compared to the others. And I do like the name!...I hope she's not doing the -x thing for the boys on purpose. And apparently Knox honors, but I think it should have been a MN like Marcheline was.
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Yay! One of them isn't Isla!Whew, I'm relieved. :b Vivienne Marcheline is gorgeous, though it doesn't necessarily "fit in" with the other kids' names, IMO. I like that the mn honors her mom. Knox, Maddox, and Pax = way too many X's for one family. I guess they wanted an X in each boy's name. Whatever. Knox Leon on its own isn't bad, though, and I like it best of the 3 boys' names, actually.
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Knox is horrible, it reminds me of the words 'knocks', 'ox' and 'knuckles', lol. Knox Leon isn't a good combo IMO, I just hear 'Knock Sleon.' whatever a Sleon is, hehe.Vivienne Marcheline is really nice, but Knox and Vivienne is so mis-matched, and Vivienne doesn't 'fit' with the names of the siblings at all, it's so much classier!
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When I'm pg I'm not going to sit there and ask do these names go with the others? Who cares if you like a name use it.
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Not a huge fan of Knox, but Viviene Marcheline is just gorgeous.
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I think Knox is horrible, and Knox Jolie-Pitt just sounds wrong. None of those names go together! Knox and Leon don't go together either. But I'm not surprised. I think they've put names together horribly with all their kids. A big mis-matching of yuck, though I like one or two individually.Vivienne Marcheline is a heck of a lot nicer. It's on MSN UK, which is fairly reliable, I think?
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In my opinion, most of the combos are nice.I like Maddox Chivan a lot, it's special, but strikes some chord.
Zahara Marley is quite nice, not my style, but nice and it fits Zahara perfectly.
Pax Thien is quite perfect, especially for Pax. I love the combo because it's interesting and beautiful.
Shiloh Nouvel is also a very pretty combo, although I both names are not really common and Nouvel is a real matter of taste. But I like that Brad Pitt chose Nouvel because of his favourite architect, it's kind of cute. And Nouvel is nice as a middle name.
But these two names, Knox Leon and Vivienne Marcheline...
The combo Vivienne Marcheline is quite nice and Marcheline is interesting because it honors Jolie's mother (I guess?).
But Knox Leon is so terrible. Knox is terrible and Leon is so very boring, and the names don't go well together AT ALL, imo.
Whatever, if they're happy with it...
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Knox isn't at all my style but I think it really suits her style: Maddox and Pax are really similar style to it. Vivienne is a bit of a shock - I'd never have thought of that but it isn't terrible. I'm a bit disappointed by it though, it doesn't seem to have the same sparkle as the others. Still, I can live with it and Marcheline after her mother is predictable and nice. I quite like it as a sibset, it seems really unique.Maddox, Pax, Zahara, Shiloh, Knox and VivienneI really don't feel that Vivienne fits though. Ach well! Congratulations to Mum, Dad and big brothers Maddox and Pax and big sisters Zahara and Shiloh.
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This message was edited 7/13/2008, 8:03 AM

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I truly hate Knox. Pax and Maddox are nice, though. I like Vivienne.
vote up1, it's true. I hate Knox o.0
I don't like Pax or Maddox at all either.

This message was edited 7/13/2008, 8:09 AM

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People magazine is posting it now and as for the names...People magazine is posting that it's been confirmed by Angelina Jolie's doctor: she's given birth to B/G twins.
I really like Vivienne Marcheline - it's very pretty and elegant, but I think it sort of doesn't fit with her other children's names (Vivienne seems too classic to fit with the more spunky/unusual names of her other children). In my opinion the nn Viv fits in better with Maddox, Pax, Zahara and Shiloh.
I like that they've chosen to honor Angelina's mother with the mn Marcheline. Knox Leon I don't like. What comes to mind is Fort Knox, which isn't a particular good association... I've read somewhere that Knox honors Brad's maternal grandfather, which I think is a nice gesture, but I still don't like the name on it's own merits.
I suppose it could have been worse - there was a gossip report somewhere that said she was going to use the name Pollux (which sounds like polution and b*llocks)...All in all I think she could have done worse in the choosing of names...
Vivienne is a very pretty name while Knox is sort of blah (not good, but not absolutely terrible either).
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Knox Leon reminds me of Linux. Vivienne Marcheline is very pretty, it really surprised me.

This message was edited 7/13/2008, 5:19 AM

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I have to say I'm disappointed. :( Knox Leon is awful, and is - as many before me have pointed out - far too close to Pax. But I suppose they wanted to keep up a theme with their sons' names, namely that all names should end in -x. Maddox, Pax and Knox. I think I would have liked it better if they had chosen Fox instead of Knox, because Maddox, Pax and Fox sound much better together. Plus, it's a well-known name, too (Fox Mulder from "The X-Files", anyone?).I have to say that I love Vivienne Marcheline: it is the best name they have ever chosen. It unfortunately does not go well at all with Zahara and Shiloh, which are more uncommon and 'trendy' names while Vivienne Marcheline is very traditional and classy. I think that little girl will be the odd one out in their family, from the very beginning.All in all, I have to say that it's disappointing and that they should at least have chosen names that are more in rhyme with the names of their other children.
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Confirmed,,20203411,00.htmlSussmann confirmed the Nice Matin newspaper report that Jolie gave birth to a boy, Knox Leon, and a girl, Vivienne Marcheline, by Cesarean section on Saturday night. Knox weighed 5.03 lbs, and Vivienne 5 lbs.Knox was Brad's maternal grandfather's middle name, Marcheline was Angelina's mother's name.
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Vivienne Marcheline is stunning.
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well i must say that they are a lot more normal than people were predicting, though i am extremely disappointed that they used Vivienne because now it's celebrity-tainted for future use.
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I actually totally agree about Vivienne now being celebrity-tainted, it was at the top of our list (though spelled Vivien) for our next daughter...but not anymore. I'd say it's gone the way of Violet, but we shall see.
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To me that's extremely harsh; the term "celebrity tainted". So what if a celebrity used the name? If you like the name, use it (if that's what you where planning on doing).
In this day and age there are literally thousands of "celebrities" due to reality-shows and the like. If we (the common mortals/non-celebrities) where to steer clear of every name used by a "celebrity" for their child there would be absolutely no names left for us to use...
Furthermore; Vivienne is a perfectly normal name; it isn't exactly Apple, Sunday or anything the like, which are names that you will automaticly associate with Gwyneth Paltrow and Nicole Kidman/Keith Urban.
So in that sense I think the name Vivienne isn't "celebrity tainted" at all.
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check out Vivienne's chartswhere do you think it will debut next year? I am thinking mid to lower 900s, then shoot up next year to the mid 700's.
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I'm sure Vivienne will become more popular, but it'll hardly become the new Ava...
I'm not saying that Vivienne won't become more popular, however I took offence to the term "celebrity tainted" as if it was a bad thing that a celebrity actually gave their child a beautiful and normal name...
Whenever a celebrity gives their child a far-out name like Moxie Crimefighter or Pilot Inspektor or even a nicknameish name like Maddie Briann people are all up in arms; what I find interesting; if not odd, is that people are equally outraged when a celebrity baby is given a normal name like Angelina Jolie's little baby Vivienne.
I'm going off on a rant now, to which I apologize - I just become slightly annoyed by this "double standard" (in lack of a better word).
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I understand.It bugs me too.
Not too much I can say about this except I agree :P
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Well the boy name seems to fit their style and we all know Marcheline would be for Angelina's mum, but Vivienne has me confused and surprised! Vivienne just doesn't fit in with the other kid's names which are all so modern sounding. I wonder if this is even true, although I heard the report on the radio and read it online, but we all know you can't always believe what you hear/read, especially when it comes to celebs!
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Well, if the reports are true, I'm really not impressed with either name. Knox is way too close to Maddox and Pax, but Leon is pretty decent. Vivienne is nice, but not something I personally like. Marcheline is really odd looking to me, but I know it honors so I can deal with it.In my search through reports to see what people were saying, I found this really wouldn't doubt if they were planning to adopt a Chinese baby to be honost.
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i will be so shattered if she really does call one Vivienne because its amongst my top 3 names for a girl. and if she uses it by the time i have children it will be 'oh so you named it after the Jolie-Pitt baby':(
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In my mind, Vivienne just doesn't fit the rest of the names, so you might be safe yet...
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See, I saw this too and...The report that everyone is denying is the report by American magazine In Touch that she had two girls. I have been searching American tabloids and they do not address the Aussie reports of a boy and a girl AT ALL. So I'm still soooo confused!
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Well, my Australian sources are quoting a french and are my two major Australian news sites.Both are quoting the Nice-Matin newspaper from France. bébés les plus célèbres du monde sont nés hier avant 20 heures à la clinique Santa-Maria de la fondation Lenval. Angelina Jolie, 33 ans, a mis au monde des jumeaux : Knox Léon Jolie-Pitt, un petit garçon de 2 kg 270 et Vivienne Marcheline, une petite fille de 2 kg 280 qui valent déjà plus de 11 millions de dollars avant même d'avoir poussé leur premier cri : l'exclusivité de la toute première photo de la famille Pitt agrandie - désormais six enfants - a en effet été vendue au profit d'une cause humanitaire par le couple à un journal américain.Which, put through babelfish, comes out asThe most famous babies of the world were born yesterday before 8 p.m. with the Santa-Maria private clinic from the Lenval foundation. Angelina Jolie, 33 years, put at the world twins: Pretty-Pitt Knox Leon, a little boy of 2 kg 270 and Vivienne Marcheline, a little girl of 2 kg 280 who are worth already more than 11 million dollars before to have even pushed their first cry: the exclusiveness in the very first photograph of the Pitt family increased - from now on six children - was indeed sold with the profit in a humane cause by the couple with an American newspaper.

This message was edited 7/12/2008, 10:31 PM

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Pretty-Pitt Knox Leon - lol!
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So it IS true?!I'm still confused. :P
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I'd still be waiting for confirmation from a respected American news source.We don't know how reliable this "Nice-Matin" newspaper is.
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On the news.It was a story on the nightly news here in New Zealand, so I'm tending to think it's true. All the same details as the Nice-Matin newspaper, so either it's true or they're all copying each other!
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IT IS TRUE!!(m)I went to bed last night, thinking "Well, I suck at being an internet investigator, so I'll just go to bed and if its true it will be everywhere in the morning!" Lo and behold...its everywhere!!:)
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Ugh, I just wonder why no major American newspaper has picked it up yet!Its driving me bonkers! :P
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Oopsies! Thanks :-) Sorry all!
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You never know, it might still be true...
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According to here...She gave birth to twin girls (which is what I've heard she was having from day one) and named them Isla Marcheline and Amelie Jane.Link: which is it?
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My mistakeThat's an older post, from the first pregnancy lie.We'll see - I for one see the names as very Angelina.
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I love Vivienne Marcheline!Just kind of disappointed that Brangelina used Vivienne before I could.
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I'm pretty sure this isn't trueI just did some internet searching and I found one report saying she had two girls, one saying she had a boy and a girl, and one saying she hasn't given birth yet.Knox fits their naming style just because the other two boys' names end in X and I could see her using Marcheline as a mn for her late mother, but Leon and Vivienne just don't seem to be their style.
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Ahhh! I'm so confused!All the Aussie papers say she's given birth, but none of the American ones do yet! Argh!
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Lol might be because of the time differences. It was only 9 and a half hours ago, according to the time reported.
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Grrr, I've been waiting to hear the names for weeks, and about have a coronary every false report. I can't wait to find out if its true or not!
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Knox and her other son, Maddox, have names that don't work well together. I don't like Knox at all, personally. Leon is.. not a favorite.. to say the least.Vivienne Marcheline is beautiful! Probably the best name out of her whole brood.
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Knox is way too close to Pax. Also that combo doesnt even seem to be her style.
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Not only Pax, but Maddox.
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