Welcome to
Round 17 of Georgia-Claire's Congrats.
This round is five years into the future. I've aged everyone appropriately and any new grandchildren have been born in the last four years.
From now on in I'll be giving you a certain amount of children each round instead of you filling out a form.
RULES 1. If you're going to be out of town or will miss a few games for any reason then please PM me in advance. I'll try and look out for messages on the board but in case I miss one, a PM would be good.
2. If you miss too many rounds to be able to catch up, I'll have to drop you but hopefully you'll play in my future congrats.
3. Please bold all new family members. If you don't know how to, then check the Help/Rules/FAQ.
Here is the link to Round 14:
http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3307924&board=gameHere is the link to Round 15:
http://www.behindthename.com/bb/arcview.php?id=3312657&board=gameHere is the link to Round 16:
Please name your children and spouses using the initials I provided. If you want to add a second name then you can choose anything you want. Remember, change 'SO' to Dgf/Dbf/DH/DW (same sex couples are fine, their childred will all be adopted though). Also, please add surnames or maiden names for all spouses. Enjoy the round!