[Surname] hutten name origin
Pleeeze help me, I have been to every web site I'm sure looking for name origin, coat of arms etc. Hutten or Hutton. I am scrapbooking for a family reunion in July. HELP! Thank-you
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Hutten is a Dutch name (hut meaning hut). Hutton is not used there. People called Hutten are dispersed as follows (by province, 1947 census):Groningen 0 Friesland 2 Drenthe 14 Overijssel 403 Gelderland 54 Utrecht 20 Noord-Holland 15 Zuid-Holland 27 Zeeland 0 Noord-Brabant 197 Limburg 12 total 744. See a 'map': http://www.meertens.nl/NFD/nfd.html
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