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[Facts] Names in Myths
I was wondering if anyone knows any myths or stories that have names playing an important part. The reason is that I've read this one story called "The Rule of Names" by Ursula Le Guin where knowing something's name give a person power over it.I was wondering if this theme apears in any other stories.
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Names in Myths  ·  Rosie  ·  2/4/2004, 9:24 AM
Re: Names in Myths  ·  Anneza  ·  2/4/2004, 11:58 PM
Re: Names in Myths  ·  Chrisell  ·  2/4/2004, 9:30 PM
Check out Le Guin's 'The Earthsea Trilogy', too. nt  ·  genis  ·  2/4/2004, 1:50 PM
Re: Names in Myths  ·  SG2004  ·  2/4/2004, 9:34 AM
Re: Names in Myths  ·  Morrigan  ·  3/5/2004, 8:12 AM