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[Surname] Knossalla??
I can't find the meaning of my last name Knossalla ANYwhere. help!?
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I have a friend with this name. I once asked her about its origin and she said she had no clue. She only knew that her father's origins lie somewhere in Scandinavia. I always thought it sounded kind of Finnish.We both live in Germany, by the way. It may actually be German in origin, but it's not a word or something. I can't even think of a word that comes close.
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A google search makes it clear that Germany is the home of this spelling of the name, but there is also a Polish surname, Knosala. Which came first?
As to the meaning, I haven't a clue.
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The variant Knosalla is also found in various parts of Germany (as is Knosala) as you can see at but it's not as common as Knossalla. The name doesn't 'look' German and yet it seems to be pretty common there. All three variants are found in Poland as can be seen at but they're much less widespread.
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Hey, that site is too cool. actually pinpoints exactly where my friend lives! That's definitely going into my favourites.
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hey i am looking for katrina name
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The moikrewny site is new to me, and a useful addition - cheers, Marc. The Knosala distribution map suggests that the name is Silesian, i.e., belonging to a mixed German-Czech-Polish province. German Knossalla, on the other hand is more scattered.
There is a German surname,Knöss, which is discussed on this site -
but my ignorance of German prevents me from following the discussion.
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