[Opinions] Imogen
What do you think of the name Imogen? I go back and forth on whether I like the name.
Imogen is probably my favourite names. I was going to be called Imogen but my Dad doesn't like tough sounding names.
One of my best friends has the name and i think its beautiful! She usually uses a cute nn tho- Imy
" The best gift you can give someone else is a good example."
" The best gift you can give someone else is a good example."
I like it a lot but it's quite popular in the UK.
I like it a lot. It's different and sounds so but in a good way.

Go on, be evil and get lazy.

Its nice, not so commen as Emily or Sarah and the like. :)
I like it, it's cute. I don't know that I'd ever actually use it, but I do like it. It has a nice sound to it.
I'm not sure. The spelling seems odd (understandable considering the name's history), but I like how it sounds.
"Les yeux sont aveugles. Il faut chercher avec le coeur." -- Le Petit Prince, Antoine de Saint-Exupery
"Les yeux sont aveugles. Il faut chercher avec le coeur." -- Le Petit Prince, Antoine de Saint-Exupery
This message was edited 10/21/2005, 5:48 PM
I love the name Imogen.. I think it is absolutely beautiful
"Don't make someone a priority, who only makes you an option."
I love Imogen, very sweet, It's on my list.
My top combo is:
Imogen Rosemary
Mommy to Cassandra Morgan (2003)
Preggie with baby #2.
Can't wait until Malachi Rune or Charlotte Niamh!
My top combo is:
Imogen Rosemary
Mommy to Cassandra Morgan (2003)
Preggie with baby #2.
Can't wait until Malachi Rune or Charlotte Niamh!
I like it! It reminds me of Imogen Heap, one of my favourite music artists. And like Bear, I really have a thing for "I" names.
I wish we could open our eyes
To see in all directions at the same time
-Death Cab for Cutie
I wish we could open our eyes
To see in all directions at the same time
-Death Cab for Cutie
I love it. I live in the U.S., though, and I don't know how it would be received. I'm also afraid people would confuse in with the many Emmas and Emilys (Emilies?) running around. But it's a gorgeous name, one of my favorites.


I think it is a good name. It is very dignified and it is uncommon without being unheardof or difficult to pronounce. Jenny (or Genny) could be a nickname for Imogen (especially useful if the bearer of the name finds it uncomfortably unusual).
Love it. I have a thing for "i" names. The literary connection is a plus. Why not?
Same here, as far as going back and forth goes. I generally like it, though. I would probably use it as a mn, just because it is a little strange.
"To thine own self be true; and it must follow, as the night the day, thou can'st not then be false to any man"
Hamlet, Act i, Sc.3
"To thine own self be true; and it must follow, as the night the day, thou can'st not then be false to any man"
Hamlet, Act i, Sc.3
I really like it. I liked it for DD1 but DH wasn't overkeen.
I only know two Imogens, so it's not too popular.
The Imogen at my school uses the n/n Immy which I disliked at first but it has grown on me, and as she has quite elfin features it really suits her.
I only know two Imogens, so it's not too popular.
The Imogen at my school uses the n/n Immy which I disliked at first but it has grown on me, and as she has quite elfin features it really suits her.
its super cute.works for both little girl and woman