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Leona is a very harsh name to me, its the 'ona' part that I find hard on the ears. So, I think Leona should have a very pretty feminine middle name.So, I think the combos,
Leona Delphine, Leona Melisande or Rosamonde would be best.
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I find it so soft!I just have always found it soft and enchanting. This is my grandmother's name, her name was Leona Anne. (Interestingly, my other grandmother was Delfine, one of your mn suggestions)
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Really?That's funny you find it harsh because to me it's the opposite! I think it's a rather soft name, and quite pretty.
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I like it (with stress on the second syllable, not the first). It's not one of my favorite, but it's definitely in the higher regions of like. It makes me happy in a way.Leona Beatrix, Leona Caroline, Leona Clementine, Leona Delphine, Leona Florence, Leona June, Leona Melisande, Leona Pearl and Leona Winifred all appeal to me.
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