[Facts] Re: Any readers of Devanagari here?
by তন্ময় ভট (guest)
2/26/2009, 7:51 PM
It is Hindi.
सुर देवताओं को कहते है, और सुरा शराब को भी कहते है, सुरेन्द्र का मतलब शराब में डूबे हुए इन्द्र और दूसरा मतलब देवताओं के सरताज भी माने जाते हैं.
`sur' means gods and `sura' means alcohol, `surendra' means Indra drowned in alcohol, and as a second meaning, is also considered the greatest amongst the gods.
(Note to the other poster: Google translate is not very good with Hindi).