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[Facts] Madeleine
How do you pronounce this. I say Mad-eh-LINE. But I have heard both Mad-eh-lyn and Mad-eh-lenn. What is the correct way to pronounce it?
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mah-deh-LINE seems to be the usual pronounciation here in Australia for both Madeline and Madeleine, except for Madelyn which is always mah-deh-LYNN.
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Madeline is pronounced mad-el-LEEN or mad-el-LINEMad-eh-lyn and Mad-eh-lenn are the MadelynLaLa¤
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Actually, Mad-eh-lenn is the French pronunciation: and ei in French are pronounced 'eh'. The middle e is largely silent - ie. slurred in that wonderful French way so that only a Frenchman can detect it at all. No idea how anyone would get mad-eh-LENN out of Madelyn - I'd think the point of the -lyn bit would be to make the mad-e-LYNN pronunciation crystal clear.I'm part French, a SIL is Basque French, my cousins are in La Rochelle, Dh's brother works for a Parisian firm and so we all speak French, right down to 1 year old Phoebe (who makes no words at all but thanks to First Fun in French we're sure babbles bilingually LOL))so that's where I hear Mad-e-LENN - from the froggies ;o)Devon
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My 1 year old's mn is Madeline and we hear all three.Mad-eh-LINE or Mad-eh-LENN is fine with us.Mad-eh-LYN I see as a different name - Madelyn, said how it's spelt. I tend to hear this out of certain regional accents and native English speakers with, frankly, lazy enunciation. I come from a family of teachers so it's a bit of a pet peeve of mine - can you tell? LOL Fortunately, we rarely hear it out of the people we see on a regular basis here in England, though half of my family in the US says it this way I'm sure.Mad-eh-leen is what my Italian doula said. Dh's family in Czech Republic seem to do a version of this with it too.I've also heard Mad-eh-LAINE - my daughter's French teacher said it this way. We're now letting her cousins teach her instead ;o)Devon
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Hi Leah,In French it sounds like mud-LENN (stress on the last syllable).Satu
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We had a friend at school who was Madeline she said Mad el ine We called here Eniledam & I was Alusru - spelt backward LOL
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