Now, you may be wondering,
What on earth is an honoring congrats?Well, here's the idea: It's basically a congrats, but every round there will be a list of people to honor. There are many ways you can choose to honor them:
We'll use John Anthony and Robert Michael.
You can use straight names: John, Anthony, Robert, Michael.
You can switch the names around: Anthony John and Michael Robert.
You can mix-and-max names: Anthony Michael.
You can use a form of the names: Ian Antonio and Roberto Miguel.
You can mix and match all of these ideas: Ian Michael, Roberto John.
You can add another name with any of these ideas: Jacob Robert, Jacob Ian Miguel.
If it's masculine name with feminine forms, use that for girls. If it's a feminine form of a masculine name, use what masculine name it's from, or variations of that.
I'm not sure how many people will sign up, seeing as this is quite an odd congrats, but we'll see!
Also, basic rules: If you miss three rounds without telling me, I'll drop you out, do not hyperlink, please bold all new additions.
Sign up:
Last Name:
(You do not have to honor this time.)