In the subject line put In the subject line put ___ today, ___/40 total. List the names you have today, whether you want to list the previous round names is optional. Keepskuh needs to finnish round 4 &hearts Today’s Names &hearts Sam Kyler Cole Mikayla Mckenzie Top Players:Ninor (Nikki)-14 IrishGirl-13 Sarah Kate –13 SwtNikki87 -11 Stephanie –11 christinaxo –10 Bárbara-10 Serel Channah -10 Atheistia -10 Rachel Shaina- 10 Sigrid -9 Delphi_Blue-8 Bea109 -8 Emilie –8 Keepskuh -7 Luvmonkeezz-Round 4: Round 3: Round 2: Round1: