This is a new, fun idea for a Congrats Game. In the game, you will be given a senerio which is just like that of a popular or recently released movie OR a popular tV show series. You don’t have to have seen the movie or tv show, I will write out the scenerio. For instance, if you were given Cinderella, you would have to describe life working for your step familly and how you met your husband. From there, it would be a regular congrats game, with marriage and babies. I will take up to 10 players in this game and if your confused, just ask about the game and I’ll answer back ASAP!
LN (After you get married):
Your SO:
Two other names, one female one male (these names may be used in your story. They could be your sibling, best friend, parent.....almost anything!):
Here’s mine, for example!
UN: Keara Jane
LN (After you get married): Taylor
You: Keara Jane
Your SO: William Jack
Two other names, one female one male (these names may be used in your story. They could be your sibling, best friend, parent.....almost anything!): Sophia Jennings and Peter Jones.