[Facts] Dulcinea
Users' comments give the pronunciation of dool-sin-AY-uh (or there abouts), but in Lars and the Real Girl, Ryan Gosling is reading Don Quixote to Bianca and he pronounces it Dole/Dool-CHEE-nee-uh.
Just wondering which pronunciation was correct/acceptable. Thanks!
She's a bit careless with the crockery, your Sandra.
Just wondering which pronunciation was correct/acceptable. Thanks!

I have not seen that movie, but I would assume that in that scene they were trying to portray the character as being humorously incorrect.
I think that "Dool-CHEE-nee-uh" would be the sort of pronunciation someone who was familiar with Italian names but not Spanish ones would try to use. "dool-sin-AY-uh" would be closer to the original Spanish pronunciation, and Don Quixote is originally a Spanish novel, not an Italian one.
I think that "Dool-CHEE-nee-uh" would be the sort of pronunciation someone who was familiar with Italian names but not Spanish ones would try to use. "dool-sin-AY-uh" would be closer to the original Spanish pronunciation, and Don Quixote is originally a Spanish novel, not an Italian one.
Thank you
The character is definitely not worldly and probably does not have an extensive education, so you're probably correct in your assumption.
I'd always thought it was "dool-sin-AY-uh," but it kind of threw me when I heard it pronounced the other way.
The character is definitely not worldly and probably does not have an extensive education, so you're probably correct in your assumption.
I'd always thought it was "dool-sin-AY-uh," but it kind of threw me when I heard it pronounced the other way.