[Opinions] Forrest or Milton
I am having abab boy and want to name him after either of his grandfathers. Which is better or worse, or are both bad?
Forrest, definately.
Although you'd be naming him after his grandfather I'd be concerned that Forrest would get lumped with the trendy names of today. I can easily see Forrest becoming very popular in the next few years (reminds me of nature names I've heard recently: River, Canyon, Stone, etc). I really like the name though :) Milton might be a bit old fashioned but I actually like it. Milt could be a cool nn. What about naming him Milton Forrest? You could call him either but give him the option of having a more formal name later in life.
I like both. Forrest is gorgeous, though it has teasing potential. I grew up with a Milton (he's about 18 now), his full name was Milton Franklin IV. He went my Milt, I don't think he was ever teased about his name.
I am concerned that it might be bad for a first name but...
do you think if i called him Forrest he ma get harrassed? I only think of Forrest Gump, but honestly, it is a gorgeous name, aside form the conotation. I think Forrest sounds kind of wealthy and noble. Can anyone agree with me on this one?
Please be honest.
do you think if i called him Forrest he ma get harrassed? I only think of Forrest Gump, but honestly, it is a gorgeous name, aside form the conotation. I think Forrest sounds kind of wealthy and noble. Can anyone agree with me on this one?
Please be honest.
No, I don't think a Forrest would be harrassed and I agree with you that it's lovely and dignified. A Milton, on the other hand, sounds a bit stuffy and grizzled to me ... even if it were shortened to Milt. My vote is definitely for Forrest. I also wonder if it would still work for you if you changed the spelling to Forest, to make it less surnamey and less like F. Gump.
- chazda
- chazda
I love Forrest. I have a cousin with this as a middle name but haven't heard much of it otherwise. I think it definitely has potential as a name for a baby today. Milton seems forever stuck in my mind as an elderly man's name, not for a child. If it was my decision to make, I would use Forrest.

I love Forrest. I have a cousin with this as a middle name but haven't heard much of it otherwise. I think it definitely has potential as a name for a baby today. Milton seems forever stuck in my mind as an elderly man's name, not for a child. If it was my decision to make, I would use Forrest.

This message was edited 11/20/2005, 11:04 AM
Forrest definitely. I think it's lovely
Both are bad.
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