Welcome to round two! Here are the scores from the last round Aderyn Azula and AnnaMarie are currently in the lead with 5 points.
Aderyn Azula: 5, rounds missed: 0
Ninor 0, round missed: 1
gabriellagrace: 4, rounds missed: 0
christina * (nsi): 0, rounds missed: 1
Fray: 3, rounds missed: 0
estel: 3, rounds missed: 0
knitastick: 3, rounds missed: 0
Stephanie: 0, rounds missed: 1
Bernadette: 0, rounds missed: 1
AnnaMarie: 5, rounds missed: 0
This time you have until 11:59 EST on Wednesday because I am going to New York for the holidays. Good luck and have fun!
P.S. The Panthers ended up losing the superbowl...
The Starlight Family
DH:(24 John Casper
DW:(26 Venetia Violet
DD:(2) Vivienne Grace (Aderyn Azula, Vivienne Charity; AnnaMarie, Vivienne Dorcas)
John and Venetia are expecting a son.They would like an Ancient Greek that begins with a vowel as a FN, and a name used in a Shakespearean comedy as a MN.
The Steinberg Family
DH:(31)Chaim Solomon
DW:(30)Leah Osnat
DS:(1)onatan Isaiah (no one got any of this one)
It's a daughter for the Steinbergs! They would like a Yiddish FN and the name of a Biblical character who appears in Genesis for a MN
The Yamada Family
DH: Hayate Jing (33)
DW: Cam Yoon (30)
DS:Daisuke Nori(gabriellagrace, Hiroshi Dasuke; Fray, Keiji Daisuke)
Triplet boys! Triplet 1: Korean FN, Vietnamese MN. Triplet 2: Vietnamese FN, Chinese MN. Triplet 3: Chinese FN, Japanese MN.
Good Luck!