:-) Is your mom pregnant?
Leah GabrielleLeah DanielleLeah Magdalene ("-lin")
Leah CelesteLeah Jessamine ("-min")
Leah JocelynLeah EvelynLeah Charis /
CarysLeah JustineLeah MiriamLeah CharlotteLeah Johanna /
JoanneLeah HollyLeah GermaineLeah GervaiseLeah SamanthaLeah AbigailLeah CarmelLeah Meadow (Although lea ("lee") is another word for a meadow in old English. Too cute?)
Leah GillianLeah JenniferLeah Belen ("bel-EN," = Bethlehem)
Leah Seraphine Leah RaphaelaLeah Catherine
Do your parents like any of these? I'd love to hear how the search for *the* perfect mn progresses. Thanks in advance for any updates. :-)