[Surname] Re: other lithuanian surnames
The origins of specific Lithuanian surnames are hard to find because of the lack of sources. However, most of them are composed of a root and a suffix so that the names you've submitted can be divided pretty much as follows: Abr+aitis, Adak+onis, Adaške+vičius, Aglin+skas, and Andziu+lis (there's no Aldziulis) which looks like it could be Andrew. You'll find general information on Lithuanian surnames at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lithuanian_name
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other lithuanian surnames  ·  gintar  ·  12/16/2009, 8:47 AM
Re: other lithuanian surnames  ·  Marc  ·  12/16/2009, 11:02 AM
Re: other lithuanian surnames  ·  Jim Young  ·  12/17/2009, 9:21 AM