Since a lot of the Congrats games seem to have disappeared, I thought I'd make a new one. Things for this congrats will be totally random, though with a theme (ie, round 1 all random name generator names, round 2 all names meaning a color...and so on).
If you want to sign up, fill out the form below. Please don't sign up if you can't play for several days. This isn't the last congrats I'll do, so if you miss this one, its okay. I'll do another.
Username: (required, or I won't put you in)
LN: (optional)
Number of Rounds (1-10): (please write a number)
Multiples (twins only): yes / no
Adoptions (from rounds 5-10 only): yes / no
Thanks! I will post round one shortly. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.