[Opinions] Re: Dominic
Dominic Alphonsus and Dominic Anselm are very cool. Dominic Atticus would be another one.
Dominic Julian is solid and useable.
Dominic Angelus is a little too god/angels/etc. for me.
Dominic Ignatius is cool, but I'd pair Ignatius with something a little more daring. What about Dominic Pelagius?
I want to like Dominic Boniface, but it seems too matchy for some reason. Like if a kid was named Amelia Emily. Not sure why, that's just what I get from it.
Dominic Benedictus- It has the same feel as Dominic Boniface, but the syllable pattern makes it not as matchy. I like it.
Dominic Franciscus- Hm. I can't say I like this one as much. The styles work. I'm not sure why I don't like it, actually. I think it's because I usually pair Francis with softer names, so it seems odd to me to see Franciscuc pared with a D name?
I don't like the -c C- in Dominic Columba.Dominic Ward works well, althouh it's nms. Same with Dominic Albert (although this or Dominic Alfred would be another one like Dominic Julian, where it's solid and very useable.)
I like Dominic Cecil.
Dominic Richard is good. Usually I try to soften Richard in combos, but this works.
I don't like Dominic Eugene. It sounds proper and upstanding in a bad way, like a spoiled-rich-kid name.
I like Dominic Basil. It's a little naturey, but also stuck-up and British :P
Dominic Ira works. I think I like it. Ira doesn't sound very upstanding to me though, because it's the name of my friend's brother who is in jail..
I really like Dominic Cyril.I like Dominic Rafe / Ralph and Dominic Evan.
the rest of the mns seemed too soft for Dominic, except maybe Dominic Rowan. How about Dominic Raban?I don't like Dominic Vincent as much. Vincent needs something more, I don't know... stalwart, perhaps? That being said, Dominic Victor might work, because the sounds in Victor are a little harder.
I'm going to say no to Dominic Desmond because they start with the same letter, but if there was a name exactly like Desmond starting with a different letter it would be perfect.
Dominic Valentine is nice. I don't think it's as useable as some, but I like it.

This message was edited 7/21/2010, 4:43 PM

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Dominic  ·  Llewella  ·  7/21/2010, 3:19 PM
Re: Dominic  ·  Ranee @ Arabian Knits  ·  7/22/2010, 8:48 AM
Re: Dominic  ·  Elena  ·  7/21/2010, 6:00 PM
Re: Dominic  ·  Alcyone  ·  7/21/2010, 5:17 PM
Re: Dominic  ·  Ranee @ Arabian Knits  ·  7/22/2010, 8:49 AM
Re: Dominic  ·  Dracotorix  ·  7/21/2010, 4:43 PM
Re: Dominic  ·  Kayl Kayl  ·  7/21/2010, 3:46 PM