Ok, the rules are pretty simple, I'll be providing two or more options, and you follow the "adventure" that suits you best. Each "adventure" will have it's own set of naming rules for that round. Stories are optional, but always enjoyed and encouraged :) Ages are optional, and you keep track of them yourself. I'll provide links to each previous round, so you can quickly find your family.
Note: Just because your chose Adventure # in one round doesn't mean that you are stuck with that # for every other round. Each round you can chose your own adventure (hence, the name).
http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3913184&board=gameRound 1:
http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3913389&board=gameRound 2:
http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3913723&board=gameRound 3:
http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3914171&board=gameRound 4:
This is the FINAL round for children. You can chose to be finished or continue in the next rounds. There will be five more rounds to provide spouses, and you will get to chose who gets married (or if they get married) during what round. After each "spouse" round there will be at least 1 "child" round during which you can provide your couple(s) with children. I will continue until the fifth "spouse" round has gotten their children.
Adventure 1:
Just two years later, and your couple is welcoming their last child into the family. It is for sure their last child, because your wife has decided to get her tubes tied after the delivery and not wait for the hubby to get the courage to do what must be done.
DS: If you have more girls then boys, then his FN is a surname/occupation and his MN is trendy. If you have more boys then girls, then his FN is Biblical name and his MN is after his father. If you have the same amount of girls as boys, you can decide which of the two rules to use.
Adventure 2:
Your couple has wanted to expand their family, and has always dreamed of having a BIG family. Three years later they were having another child... or three! However, this last pregnancy was much harder then anyone expected. In the end, your wife delivered healthy triplet girls, but almost died doing so. The doctors wanted to tie her tubes, and she reluctantly allowed it.
DD/DD/DD: All of their FNs are related to the stars/sun/moon/planets/constellations/etc. All MNs are up to you.
Adventure 3:
Your couple has decided to take a breather and not have any more children for awhile. After awhile, your wife starts to feel her clock ticking and really wants to have one more child. Five years later the couple welcomes their last son (for sure, because your hubby has finally decided to get the "clip clip" procedure done during the pregnancy).
DS: Because hubby went through the trouble of getting the surgery done, DS's FN was picked out by your hubby (and is a name that guys tend to like more and consider more "manly"). His MN has an "q", "x" or "z" in it.
This message was edited 9/4/2010, 10:44 AM