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[Facts] About Lukrecja name.
I think, in Poland, Lukrecja is the feminine name for Łukasz.
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More about Lukrecja name.I thought feminine name of Łukasz is Lukrecja, but now I think the masculine name for Lukrecja is Lukrecjusz.
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lukasz odezwij sie!hej szukam tutaj jakejs osoby z polski, i znalazlam ciebie :) jak to przeczytasz to sie odezwij, jestem tu codziennie :D
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To me it looks more like a variant of Lucretia...
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I concur: it's probably a form of LucretiaThe masculine form of Lucretia would be Lucretius, by Latin standards. I'm not sure if Lucretius was ever actually used though.Lucas and Lucretia have nothing to do with each other etymologically. They only share two beginning letters, that's all.
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Lucretius was indeed used. There was an important first-century BC philosophical poet by that name: Titus Lucretius Carus.
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