Well, I've stolen the names from the video game series
Assassin's Creed often, and here's a full-blown namebank CAF from them. Just to let you know: the names range from English, Russian, Italian, to Arabic (and maybe even beyond).
Feel free to add more family members!
Last name:
DW: (Maiden name)
--DW: (Maiden name)
--DH: (Last name)
--DW: (Maiden name)
--Dbf: (Last name)
Masculine Names
Abbas Abel Adam Agostino Alaat Alan Alexander Altaïr Alvise Anson Antonio Armand Arthur Attila Ayman Badr Baltasar Barnabas Bernardo Cahin Cain Carlo Cesare checco Cosimo Christoffa Daniel Dante Darius Desmond Domenico Duccio Edigio Emilio Erudito Ezio Fabio Federico Francesco Franco Franklin Fredrick Gaius Garnier Gaspar Giorlamo Giovanni Giuliano Hamid Harash Harry Ignazio Ilario Ivan Jacopo Jamal Jason John Juan Jubair Kadar Lanz Leonardo Leonius Lorenzo Luciano Ludovico Luis Lyndon Marco Marcus Markos Masun Micheletto Misbah Muhammad Ottaviano Niccolò Nicholas Nikolai Pasha Pedro Perotto Petruccio Qulan Ramondo Raphael Rauf Richard Robert Rodrigo Silvestro Silvio Shahar Shalim Sibrand Talal Tamir Tomas Uberto Ugo Vasco Vincenzo Vladimir Warren William
Feminine Names
Adha Amelia Amunet Annetta Aubrey Bianca Caha Carlotta Caterina Claudia Cleopatra Cristina Elizabeth Eve Fajera Faustina Fiora Iltani Isabella Jane Jeanne Juno Lia Leila Lucrezia Lucy Maria Mary Minerva Nancy Pantasilea Paola Rebecca Rosa Teodora
(For Arabic characters, feel free to use "ibn/bin" or "bint" and the father's name in lieu of a surname).
A-Sayf Alberti d'Alviano Auditore Barbarigo Borgia Calderon O'Callahan Cavazza Contanto Firestone Hastings La-Ahad de Magianis Martinez de' Medici Miles Nilop de' Pazzi Peake Rikkin Riario de Sable Sforza Stillman Thorpe Vecellio