[Facts] How to pronounce Maurice
I know the French pronunciation is mo-REECE. This is how I have always heard it pronounced in the U.S. But I have heard it pronounced like Morris from various U.K. sources. To any British forumers, why is Maurice pronounced differently? And is the name ever pronounced like the original French version? Just curious.
Here in southern New Jersey, there is a Maurice River and a Mauricetown, both pronounced Morris. Pronouncing either one MauREES is a sign you're not a native!
I believe that until recently the great majority of people in the UK pronounced Maurice the same as "Morris", while Americans tended to say "maw-REESE", closer to the original French. There is a similar contrast with Bernard; in the UK that name is normally "BURR-nerd", but in the USA it is normally "burr-NARD".
It is quite possible, though, that with the distribution of American media around the world, that some people in England are now using the American pronunciations of these names.
It is quite possible, though, that with the distribution of American media around the world, that some people in England are now using the American pronunciations of these names.
I think it's just personal preference, I've heard both MOR-ris and mo-REECE and I'm English.
~Louise x
Pray for mercy from Puss...In Boots!

~Louise x

It probably just sounds like Morris because of their accents. Being of a British colony we pronounce it moh-REECE so I guess it does sound close to Morris

and I wonder
when I sing along with you
if everything could ever feel this real forever
if anything could ever be this good again
when I sing along with you
if everything could ever feel this real forever
if anything could ever be this good again