If you do this put "JUDGE" if you want in you subject and if you don't want it judged put "DON'T JUDGE"... if you leave it blank I'll judge it too.
Use names once unless there are more given of that name. These are names of actual people I know (first and middle) so if I judge you and you give the correct first and middle name together you will be given a bonus two pointd.
No spelling changes or form changes, you can provide nicknames though and will be given a point for the correct one on names if you put one on.
Abigail, Amelia, Amiee, Anne, Ashley, Crystal, Crystal, Darlene, Elizabeth, Elizabeth, Elizabeth, Jean, Jennifer, Jo, Jodi, June, Kara, Katelyn, Katherine, Katrina, Louise, Marilyn, Marie, Marie, Marie, May, Rae, Ray, Rose, Sharron, Suzanne, Wanda, Yvonne
Adam, Allan, Anderson, Andrew, Anthony, Austin, Cody, David, Delford, George, Jacob, John, Martin, Michael, Mike, Mordecai, Phillip, Ray, Scott, Thomas, William, Zachary
Daughter to 6
Sister to many
Girl Friend to one
"Mommy" to another