[Opinions] Birth Announcements - What do you think?
Here are some local birth announcements from a "throw away" newspaper. What do you think of these names?
Ciara Tiffani
Tatiana Lashawn
Maya Lynn
Morgan Renee Stacy
Sophia Nicole
Marijayne Grace
Sheridan Marie
Karlee Drew
Angiluz Susana
London Bourne
Brock Alan
Kaimana Allen
Michael Vincent
Noha Kyle
Fabian Alexis
Jose Agustin
Robert Owen
Jake Willie
Lincoln Saya
Parent names that caught my eye:
I like:
Tiffani (I prefer the spelling Tiffany)
Lynn (I only like this name as a middle name, as it's used)
Marie (I only like this name as a middle name)
Sophia Nicole
Grace (I only like this name as a middle name, as it's used)
Drew (I prefer the spelling Dru for a girl)
Susana (I prefer the spelling Susannah)
Alexis (I only like this name for a girl)
Jake Willie (I prefer Jacob William with Jake Willie as a nickname)

Would you consider yourself subjectively firm or objectively flexible? - "The Recruit"
Ciara Tiffani
Tatiana Lashawn
Maya Lynn
Morgan Renee Stacy
Sophia Nicole
Marijayne Grace
Sheridan Marie
Karlee Drew
Angiluz Susana
London Bourne
Brock Alan
Kaimana Allen
Michael Vincent
Noha Kyle
Fabian Alexis
Jose Agustin
Robert Owen
Jake Willie
Lincoln Saya
Parent names that caught my eye:
I like:
Tiffani (I prefer the spelling Tiffany)
Lynn (I only like this name as a middle name, as it's used)
Marie (I only like this name as a middle name)
Sophia Nicole
Grace (I only like this name as a middle name, as it's used)
Drew (I prefer the spelling Dru for a girl)
Susana (I prefer the spelling Susannah)
Alexis (I only like this name for a girl)
Jake Willie (I prefer Jacob William with Jake Willie as a nickname)

Angiluz - neat name!
London Bourne - omg, wow pretentious wow.
Brock Alan - Brock is, too!
Noha Kyle - No ha? Aww.. that's so serious.
Fabian Alexis - keeping my big mouth shut on this.
I am going to have to look up the meaning of Corydon now...
I found this on Wikipedia and I'm posting it here because it's of interest on the site, imo.
begin quote from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corydon
Corydon is the title of a book by Andre Gide about homosexuality. The contents were published at various times from 1911 to 1920, and the book appeared in 1924. [..] It takes its title from Corydon, a shepherd whose love for a boy is described in the Eclogues of the Roman poet Virgil (Publius Vergilius Maro, 70-19 B.C.E.).
Corydon had been the typical name for a Shepherd in earlier (pastoral poems) and (fables), such as the one in Idyll 4 of the Syracusan poet Theocritus (c.310-250 B.C.E.). The name Corydon comes from the Greek korudos, "lark").
Other typical names for such poetic figures are as follows:
* a Rooster = Chaunticleer (from French Chanticler; [chant + clear, in reference to its crow])
* a Fox = Reynard (from French Reignart; reign + -ard, "kingly one")
* a Cat = Felix (from Latin felix, "happy" [influenced by Latin feles, "cat, feline"])
* a Dog = Rufus (fom Latin rufus, "red" [influenced by ruff, the bark of a dog])
- chazda

London Bourne - omg, wow pretentious wow.
Brock Alan - Brock is, too!
Noha Kyle - No ha? Aww.. that's so serious.
Fabian Alexis - keeping my big mouth shut on this.
I am going to have to look up the meaning of Corydon now...
I found this on Wikipedia and I'm posting it here because it's of interest on the site, imo.
begin quote from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corydon
Corydon is the title of a book by Andre Gide about homosexuality. The contents were published at various times from 1911 to 1920, and the book appeared in 1924. [..] It takes its title from Corydon, a shepherd whose love for a boy is described in the Eclogues of the Roman poet Virgil (Publius Vergilius Maro, 70-19 B.C.E.).
Corydon had been the typical name for a Shepherd in earlier (pastoral poems) and (fables), such as the one in Idyll 4 of the Syracusan poet Theocritus (c.310-250 B.C.E.). The name Corydon comes from the Greek korudos, "lark").
Other typical names for such poetic figures are as follows:
* a Rooster = Chaunticleer (from French Chanticler; [chant + clear, in reference to its crow])
* a Fox = Reynard (from French Reignart; reign + -ard, "kingly one")
* a Cat = Felix (from Latin felix, "happy" [influenced by Latin feles, "cat, feline"])
* a Dog = Rufus (fom Latin rufus, "red" [influenced by ruff, the bark of a dog])
- chazda

This message was edited 1/7/2006, 9:49 AM
What a selection!
Not many I like here, but the few would be:
Maya Lynn and Sophia Nicole.
Not too crazy about either, but they don't aggravate me.
Susanna is ok to me, but only that spelling.
Robert Owen is nice.
Michael Vincent is ok (same bracket as Sophia Nicole I guess) but I would have prefered Vincent Michael.
Split from the combos I like Alan and Allen, and Lincoln is ok.
Not many I like here, but the few would be:
Maya Lynn and Sophia Nicole.
Not too crazy about either, but they don't aggravate me.
Susanna is ok to me, but only that spelling.
Robert Owen is nice.
Michael Vincent is ok (same bracket as Sophia Nicole I guess) but I would have prefered Vincent Michael.
Split from the combos I like Alan and Allen, and Lincoln is ok.
This message was edited 1/7/2006, 6:50 AM
Mihya - nms
Ciara Tiffani - Ciara is pretty, Tiffany is a guilty pleasure of mine but Tiffani is ditsy
Tatiana Lashawn - Lashawn is a crime against Tatiana.
Maya Lynn - nice enough if unoriginal
Morgan Renee Stacy - nmsaa
Marie - nice
Sophia Nicole - nice
Marijayne Grace - prefer a different spelling (Marie-Jane or Mary-Jane?) but nice enough
Sheridan Marie - Sheridan is a guilty pleasure too. Nice combo
Karlee Drew - nmsaaaa
Angiluz Susana - wha? Susannah is nice
London Bourne - nmsaa
Brock Alan - Alan is nice
Kaimana Allen - Allen is nice
Michael Vincent - nice enough
Noha Kyle - nmsaa
Fabian Alexis - Fabian is thinking outside the box, good combo
Jose Agustin - nms
Robert Owen - love it
Jake Willie - nms
Lincoln Saya - nms
♦ Chrisell ♦
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. - J.R.R. Tolkien.
Mihya - nms
Ciara Tiffani - Ciara is pretty, Tiffany is a guilty pleasure of mine but Tiffani is ditsy
Tatiana Lashawn - Lashawn is a crime against Tatiana.
Maya Lynn - nice enough if unoriginal
Morgan Renee Stacy - nmsaa
Marie - nice
Sophia Nicole - nice
Marijayne Grace - prefer a different spelling (Marie-Jane or Mary-Jane?) but nice enough
Sheridan Marie - Sheridan is a guilty pleasure too. Nice combo
Karlee Drew - nmsaaaa
Angiluz Susana - wha? Susannah is nice
London Bourne - nmsaa
Brock Alan - Alan is nice
Kaimana Allen - Allen is nice
Michael Vincent - nice enough
Noha Kyle - nmsaa
Fabian Alexis - Fabian is thinking outside the box, good combo
Jose Agustin - nms
Robert Owen - love it
Jake Willie - nms
Lincoln Saya - nms
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. - J.R.R. Tolkien.