[Facts] Fran
Ok, I have finally settled on a lovely name for my girl due in May. Francesca. But whenever I mention that name to family or friends they say, "I like that name, but people are going to call her Fran!" This is really discouraging me. I know I have posted messages about this dilemma before. But I am so undecided about the name I thought I'd try once more to get people's opinions. Do you think people will call her Fran if I discourage it? I would never call her Fran. I hate it when people say they KNOW she will be called Fran. It makes me depressed that the only name I have settled on so far I can't use. WHat's your opinion?Thanks!!!!P.S. I was also thinking of dropping the N in Francesca to Frachesca. To discourage "Fran." But that is sort of queer! I like traditional spellings.
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This question really should be posted on the opinions board rather than the facts board. http://www.behindthename.com/bb/list.php?board=baby
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I think it is a lovely name as well. Just pronounce it with a huge Italian accent when you introduce her to people so there is no way they could conscionably change the pronunciation "Frahn" to "Fran". I wouldn't drop the N. Then you have an entirely new name with no meaning.
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If you call her Cesca or whatever you want her to be called, people will call her that. As soon as she's at school, this might change though, but then she is old enough to decide what she wants to be called. My mother thought Cerridwen (see Ceridwen) would discourage nn's but I'm now mostly know as Cerri at school. :-)
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