Ian is by far my favorite of the three.
Ashton is OK, although a bit trendy sounding.
Bentley is not my style at all. It's so trendy it's a trendoid. I don't think it will age well.
Ian AlexanderIan ChristopherIan PatrickIan MalachiIan JasperIan Nathaniel Ian CharlesIan SomerledIan GervaseIan DashiellIan MagnusIan JeremiahIan Gregory /
GregorIan RoryIan BalthazarIan MatthiasIan TobiasIan BartholomewIan ThomasIan ZacharyIan Roderick
Ashton LucasAshton MilesAshton HenryAshton LeoAshton JeremiahAshton MicahAshton PhilipAshton TheodoreAshton EdwardAshton BlaiseAshton RhysAshton Emmerich /
EmericAshton Peter /
Piers (
Piers with an "s" sound on the end, not a "z" sound, like the word "pierce.")
Ashton CornelAshton GreerAshton RobertAshton HeathAshton Sorrel
Please keep us updated on how her search progresses. And thanks for any feedback on our names. :-) I know
Ian is now off her list. I just couldn't resist throwing out some combinations in the hope that she may change her mind in the future.
This message was edited 7/7/2011, 2:47 PM