[Opinions] Ajax
Ive been playing the sims (yes again) and i decided to use only shakespear names. I have a book of the complete works of shakespear which is a family heirloom that is signed by my great-great-grandfather, my great-grandfather etc...
The parents were Fabian & Valerie (not shakespear)
their children:
Juliet & Nathaniel (Taken away by social services)
I decided to use a more interesting name for their last son
Its really growing on me, PIerre hates it because its the name of a cleaning product here.
What do you think?
~~~~~~~~~~ Bex ~~~~~~~~~~~
Lover of the book Sirius & Remus

The parents were Fabian & Valerie (not shakespear)
their children:
Juliet & Nathaniel (Taken away by social services)
I decided to use a more interesting name for their last son
Its really growing on me, PIerre hates it because its the name of a cleaning product here.
What do you think?
~~~~~~~~~~ Bex ~~~~~~~~~~~
Lover of the book Sirius & Remus

It's the name of a football team and it's also a very popular name for dogs, especially in Europe. I know of three people who have dogs called Ajax!
Ajax is a name that just needs to have a good dose of positive media attention, and it could take off. Right now most people in North America will think first of the cleanser and so won't think they like it; but if there would be a TV or film character who was presently positively called Ajax to give the name a different association, I think it could become extremely popular, because it blends the sounds of Aidan, Jack, and Max, all of which are so fashionable at the moment.
It too reminds me of a cleaning product. What will Ajax's brother be called, Mr Sheen? lol don't take that seriously. It is also my friend's nickname, her name is Alexandria.
It also reminds me of the cleaning stuff, sorry!
Reminds me of the football club Ajax
It's a cleaning product (a harsh one at that!), and a city. So I'm a no.
Proud Adopter of 28 ! see Profile for names!
Proud Aunt to Kathleen Asdis Svanhildur "Katie or Svana" and #2... Due March 31st, 2006!
Proud Adopter of 28 ! see Profile for names!
Proud Aunt to Kathleen Asdis Svanhildur "Katie or Svana" and #2... Due March 31st, 2006!
♥ Cynan ♥
♥ Cynan ♥
I agree with Pierre, I think of the cleaning products when I see it.
Also a common name for dogs.
I can't really say I like it, but that might be because I can't look beyond the association.
Also a common name for dogs.
I can't really say I like it, but that might be because I can't look beyond the association.
I like the name, but to me it's either an ancient Greek hero who killed himself or a soccerclub/footballclub
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Rudeness is the weak man’s imitation of strength
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