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[Facts] Re: Let's take the "WHAT IS ELAINE'S PROBLEM?" Quiz!
I have an important question for you Nanaea. If it is completely unimportant to know which name a person uses on a daily basis and call them by that name, then will you mind it if I do something obnoxious to you? How would you like it if I pick three names at random that have never been my name, aren't my name and never will be my name? How would you like it if I lie through my teeth and say that these names are mine? Would you like it if I use the alias Susan Lynn Thompson to defraud you? If you don't like this, then why don't you have enough manners to listen to the name that customers use when they introduce themselves to you in a place of business or a government agency? Why do you think that it is "friendly" to call total strangers by names that they never use with anyone they personally know on a daily basis? If their relatives and friends aren't allowed to do this, then why on earth should total strangers have this "right?" How many of your "friends" don't know which name you use on a daily basis? What kind of a "friend" would be this stupid? How many of your "friends" call you by names that you never use at all? Would you even allow this to happen? How would you like it if you have been called by your first name every single day of your life and I insisted on throwing that name away? Would you like the fact that I keep on doing this after being told to stop it? How would you like it if I insisted on shoving the middle name (or nicknames for it) that you hate down your throat and forcing you to answer to it? How would you like it if I completely butcher and mutilate your last name by constantly mispronouncing and/or misspelling it even after you have told me to stop doing this? How many times would you tell me to stop doing this if I didn't do what you asked me to do? How would you like it if I constantly punished you for my constant, stupid, obnoxious screw-ups? Would you think of me as a nice person that you want to have as a friend? Would you avoid being near me because I'm obnoxious? Would you like my rude behavior toward you? I'll bet money that you wouldn't like this at all because it isn't the way to be a good friend. At any rate, I'm not insisting that you call your relatives or personal friends by their last names. I'm only asking that you call customers and other strangers in a business or government agency by their last name until they give you permission to call them by their preferred given name. You are not to call them by names or nicknames that they do not use with their own family or friends because that is very rude even if you are unaware of this. This rule of business etiquette always applies when people have to fill out legal documents in a business or a government agency and they have to show their driver's license or some other document that requires the full legal name to be on it. If you don't like the illegal alias that I mentioned earlier, then you don't have the right to shove a legally required alias down anyone's throat because it is just as stupid and confusing.
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Oh, Elaine, Elaine, you never learn...As a courtesy to Mike C., and because we all have far more interesting things to discuss on this message board rather than Elaine the Persecuted, I'm not going to take you out the way I would the typical, obnoxious, clueless, self-absorbed, obsessive crazyass who's got her head jammed so far up her heinie that she doesn't even realize that EVERYONE on this message board is LAUGHING at her. Well... maybe I won't. It all depends on how insistent you are in continuing in your stupidity.GET A CLUE, ELAINE. Nobody gives a *crap* about your name! Your name isn't the freakin' issue here. It's your ATTITUDE, baby. It's the way you address people you don't even know by insulting them and calling them "crackheads". Quite frankly, your attitude sucks. No wonder you've always had such a tough time in life. It ain't gonna get better, baby -- not unless you undergo a little attitude adjustment.Mike C. very wisely last night deleted your response to me suggesting that my mother should have had an abortion, and that I need to be shot in the head. Not cool, Elaine. Especially since you don't know anything about me, what kind of person I am, or what I am capable of doing. However, you are welcome to ask anyone on this board about me, and maybe they might clue you in. ;)-- Nanaea
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Here is a suggestion for you. If you don't want to be called stupid, crackhead, poster child for abortion, etc., then you should stop acting like everything I just mentioned. Quit giving your children stupid fake "names" like six which is actually a number. Think about how the children who are stuck with that garbage are going to feel when they go out into the real world and get bullied because of what their stupid parents did to them. Then I won't be tempted to call you all of these names that you don't like. You should be severely rebuked if you are abusive to a helpless child in this way. The Department Of Family And Children Services should take the child away from you and put him or her in a foster home and give the child a normal name. Any so-called "parent" that would give their child an insane, stupid "name" like six should also be charged with child abuse and be put in a mental hospital.
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ElaineI have a few things to say about your attitude (or is it attitudinal inherency?).1. Try to remember the children taken from parents for "false memories", false allegations of "SRA", and other things like that.2. Children will be teased for anything that is different. One girl killed herself just before school because she wanted to learn something about Wicca. We won't even discuss Columbine High School.3. A woman had her children taken from her (albeit temporarily) just because she asked a question about breast feeding and a natural sensation that goes along with the feeding.I wish you would access, but I fear you would try to get me sent away to an institution.PhyllisPS Fook you, too.
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"...response to me suggesting that my mother should have had an abortion, and that I need to be shot in the head..."THe Anagram Oracle never fails:
Elaine the sociopath=She a pathetic loonie
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Hint for Elaine: Listen to "Sympathy for the Devil" a couple of times before addressisng Nanaea again , hehe
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