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[Games] World of Harry Potter Dice CAF (Long!)
Fair warning: As the title says, this is pretty long and there is a lot of online dice rolling involved! I did something like this a looong time ago... probably even before the final book was out. The boards seem to have been wiped since then, so I rewrote it. Feel free to create as many families as you want, and even extend into generations if you're bored enough :) If you roll "your choice" for anything, that means it's completely up to you - you don't have to choose one of the given options unless you want to. Most importantly, have fun!Dice:

BASICSLN: 8-sided die
1: From this list:
2: Nature-related
3: Any non-English/Irish/Scottish/Welsh surname
4: Animal-related
5: Same as a Harry Potter character
6: Hyphenated (your choice or roll again for the two names)
7: Generate a random surname (click the check box):
8: Your choice or roll againParents' occupations: 8-sided die
1: Shop owner (choose shop type)
2: Shop employee (choose shop type)
3: Ministry of Magic employee
4: Stay at home mom/dad
5: Auror
6: Hogwarts professor (choose class)
7: Professional Quidditch player
8: Your choice or roll againBlood status: Roll for each parent; 6-sided die
1: Muggle-born
2: Half-blood
3: Full-blood
4: Muggle
5: Half-breed (giant, veela, etc), squib OR your choice
6: Roll againParents' house: Roll for each unless they are a muggle; 8-sided die
1 or 5: Gryffindor
2 or 6: Hufflepuff
3 or 7: Ravenclaw
4 or 8: SlytherinNumber of births:
Roll 8-sided die; the number you get is the number of births.Roll for each birth: 10-sided die
1, 2 or 3: DD
4, 5 or 6: DS
7: Your choice of gender
8: Identical twins (roll again with 6-sided die for gender or choose)
9: Fraternal twins (see above)
10: Triplets or higher (your choice; see above)

Roll for each family member.First name: 12-sided die
1: Randomly generate:
2: From the bottom 50 of any country:
3: A name that is a color or has a color meaning
4: Plug your favorite names into Nymbler and choose from the first page:
5: Plug your "guilty pleasure"/most unusual favorite names into Nymbler and choose from the first page, link above
6: Plug the names of ANY Harry Potter characters into Nymbler and choose from the first page, link above
7: Choose from this (LONG) list
8: Gypsy
9: Mythological
10: Use the first gender-appropriate name generated
11: Roll again using the middle name list
12: Your choice or roll againMiddle name(s): 12-sided die, roll as many times as you'd like (some wizarding families have lots of middle names, after all!)
1: Roll again using the first name list
2: Constellation names
3: Angel names (most are unisex)
4: Space names
5: Welsh
6: Spice/Herb names
7: Run any option on this generator and choose from the resulting list
8: Jewel names (links to male and unisex above the google search box)
9: Parent's name, variation on parent's name, or name of a Harry Potter character
10 or 11: Roll again
12: Your choice or roll again
Roll for each child.Year: 10-sided die; this will determine birth order
1: Not yet in Hogwarts, skip this category if you want to
2: 1st
3: 2nd
4: 3rd
5: 4th
6: 5th
7: 6th
8: 7th
9: Graduated, roll this category anyway for what they were like at school
10: Roll againHouse: 8-sided die
1 or 5: Gryffindor
2 or 6: Hufflepuff
3 or 7: Ravenclaw
4 or 8: SlytherinFavorite class: 6-sided die
1: Arithmancy, Astronomy or Ancient Runes
2: Care of Magical Creatures or Charms
3: Defense Against the Dark Arts or Divination
4: Flying or Herbology
5: History of Magic or Muggle Studies
6: Potions or TransfigurationPersonality/reputation: 6-sided die
1: Your choice OR not known for anything in particular
2: Prankster or class clown
3: Troublemaker or bully
4: Shy, nerdy or "weird"
5: Popular or friendly
6: Goody-goody/tattletaleBest friend is in: 6-sided die; feel free to roll through to create their friend if you're REALLY bored!
1: Gryffindor
2: Hufflepuff
3: Ravenclaw
4: Slytherin
5: Same house
6: Your choice or roll againDream job: 8-sided die
1: Shop owner (choose shop type)
2: Shop employee (choose shop type)
3: Ministry of Magic employee
4: Stay at home mom/dad
5: Auror
6: Hogwarts professor (choose class)
7: Professional Quidditch player
8: Your choice or roll againPatronus: Choose an animal from the given category; 6-sided die
1: House pet or farm animal
2: Exotic animal
3: Magical/mythical creature
4: Reptile or insect
5: Bird
6: Your choice or roll againDo they have a special ability? 10-sided die
1 through 9: No
10: YesIf YES, it is: 6-sided die
1: Animagus (choose animal/creature)
2: Metamorphmagus (like Tonks)
3: Broomless flight
4: Wandless magic
5: Legilimency (telepathy)
6: Your choice or roll againQuidditch player?: 8-sided die
1 through 7: No
8: YesIf YES, position:
1 or 4: Chaser
2 or 5: Keeper
3 or 6: Beater
7: Seeker (if your family already has a seeker for this child's Hogwarts house, roll again)
8: Captain, roll again for their position

If what you roll for children doesn't make any sense (e.g. two blonds having a black-haired child) feel free to roll again or just pretend it's the result of a spell ;)Hair texture: 6-sided die
1 or 4: Straight
2 or 5: Wavy
3 or 6: CurlyHair color:
1: Brown
2: Blonde
3: Black
4: Ginger
5: Unusual color
6: Your choice or roll againEye color:
1: Brown
2: Blue
3: Grey
4: Green
5: Hazel
6: Your choice or roll againHeight: edit (thanks beethoven!) - if you roll a height that you feel is too short/tall for their gender or age, feel free to re-roll until you get one in a better range
1: Under 5 feet
2: 5'1" - 5'3"
3: 5'4" - 5'6"
4: 5'7" - 5'9"
5: 5'10" - 6'0"
6: Over 6'0"Body type:
1 or 2: Average
3: Skinny
4: Fit/athletic
5: Chubby/fat
6: Your choice, roll again or curvy (if female and old enough :P)

Blood status, occupation, former house
Blood status, occupation, former house
AppearanceFor each child-
Year and house:
Favorite class:
Known for (personality):
Best friend's house:
Dream job:
Special ability, if applicable:
Quidditch position, if applicable:END - Now post your family!

This message was edited 11/13/2011, 10:11 AM

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LN: Wood
DH: Roan Gabriel (47)
Half-blood, Quidditch player turned coach, Gryffindor
Wavy brown hair, grey eyes, 6'3" and fir
DW: Felice Kassia [Weasley] (44)
Pureblood, robe maker at Madame Malkin's, Hufflepuff
Straight ginger hair, hazel eyes, 5'5", average buildDS: Theron Leo (20)
Appearance: Straight brown hair, hazel eyes, 6'1", average build
Year and house: Graduated, Hufflepuff
Favorite class: DADA
Known for (personality): nerdy
Best friend's house: Hufflepuff
Dream job: Auror
Patronus: Thestral* DD: Aurora Cassiopeia (18)
Appearance: Curly ginger hair, hazel eyes, 5'4", skinny
Year and house: 7th, Ravenclaw
Favorite class: Herbology
Known for (personality): goody-good
Best friend's house: Hufflepuff
Dream job: mediwitch
Patronus: Horse
Quidditch position, if applicable: Chaser, 3rd year* DD: Juliet Electra (18)
Appearance: Curly auburn hair, grey eyes, 5'3", chubby
Year and house: 7th, Hufflepuff
Favorite class: Astronomy
Known for (personality): friendly
Best friend's house: Gryffindor
Dream job: stay at home mom
Patronus: geikoDS: Sawyer Elijah (17)
Appearance: Straight brown hair, brown eyes, 5'11", fit
Year and house: 6th, Slytherin
Favorite class: Potions
Known for (personality): bully
Best friend's house: Ravenclaw
Dream job: auror
Patronus: dog - german shepherdDD: Natayla Sage (15)
Appearance: Wavy blonde hair, brown eyes, 5'5", curvy
Year and house: 5th, Gryffindor
Favorite class: Charms
Known for (personality): floater
Best friend's house: Gryffindor
Dream job: Ministry of Magic employee
Patronus: robin* DS: Richard Albus (14)
Appearance: Wavy honey blonde hair, hazel eyes, 5'4", average build
Year and house: 3rd, Slytherin
Favorite class: Muggle Studies
Known for (personality): being weird
Best friend's house: Slytherin
Dream job: Ministry of Magic employee
Patronus: stag* DD: Lucia Gwendolyn (14)
Appearance: Curly honey blonde hair, blue, 5'2", athletic
Year and house: 3rd, Gryffindor
Favorite class: Flying
Known for (personality): prankster

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Phew! This took awhile but it was exceedingly fun!The Ashworth Family
DH: Myron Rynnar Ashworth (47)
Muggle-born, Hufflepuff, owner of bookstore "The Dusty Tome"
DW: Amelia Arianrhod [Maddox] Ashworth (47)
Full-blood, Ravenclaw, Ministry witch in the Department of International Magical CooperationThe Ashworths are a very large wizarding family, indeed! Myron and Amelia met while attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry when they sat next to each in Charms in their first year at Hogwarts. Myron was still a little shaky on wizarding ways, being the first wizard in his very Muggle family, and Amelia offered to teach a bit. Though not best friends, Myron and Amelia remained close throughout Hogwarts, though they drifted apart after graduation. Amelia began to work at the Ministry, while Myron moved to London as well to work at Flourish and Blott's. About five years after leaving Hogwarts, Myron asked Amelia out for coffee and the rest is history! Myron wears glasses, has wavy red hair and blue eyes, and is tall with an average build. Amelia has curly black hair and hazel eyes, and is of average height and curvy.DD/DD: Rose Arianrhod Ashworth / Lily Margaret Ashworth (20)
DS/DS: Orion James Ashworth / William Ramiel Ashworth (17)
DD: Bryony Katherine Ashworth (15)
DS: Farran Perseus Ashworth (14)
DD: Artemis Rosemary Ashworth (12)
DD: Rowena Columba Ashworth (11)
DS: Wayland Sage Ashworth (8)Rose and Lily
The eldest Ashworth children are the identical twin girls, Rose and Lily. Though they have since graduated from Hogwarts, both twins were in Gryffindor. With their straight blonde hair, grey eyes, and skinny build, the sisters were a force to be reckoned with at Hogwarts. Rose was Keeper of the Gryffindor Quidditch from her third year on, and Lily loved to watch from the stands with her best friend, a Ravenclaw named Beatrice. Rose's best friend was a Ravenclaw boy named August, also a Quidditch player. Rose loved Charms class, while Lily preferred Transfiguration.

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LN: Klaxon-Scott
DH: Thomas Oran (Muggle-born Auror from Hufflepuff) Curly blonde hair, green eyes, 6', Fit/Athletic
DW: Adara Lavendar (Full-blood Wand shop employee from Ravenclaw) Curly black hair, green eyes, 5' 2", curvy
DDTriplet 1: Damia Bryn (graduated; Hufflepuff) Curly red hair, green eyes, 5'8", fit
Favorite Class: Transfiguration
Known as: Class clown
Best friend is in: Slytherin
Dream job: Ministry of Magic employee
Patronus: Cat
DSTriplet 2: Lucas Gabriel (graduated; Ravenclaw) Curly black hair, brown eyes, 5' 10", Skinny
Favorite Class: Potions
Known as: Goody-goody
Best friend is in: Gryffindor
Dream job: Potions shop employee
Patronus: Dog
DDTriplet 3: Kali Nova (graduated; Gryffindor) Curly white hair, brown eyes, 5' 4", fit
Favorite Class: Defense Against the Dark Arts
Known as: Shy
Best friend is in: Slytherin
Dream job: Stay at home mom
Patronus: Falcon
DS: Nolan L'ale (graduated; Ravenclaw) Curly blonde hair, grey eyes, 6'2", average
Favorite Class: Charms
Known as: Brave
Best friend is in: Ravenclaw
Dream job: Stay at home dad
Patronus: Crow
Quidditch position: Keeper
DD: Marina Dara (7th year; Ravenclaw) Straight brown hair, hazel eyes, 5'0", skinny
Favorite Class: Care of Magical Creatures
Known as: Shy
Best friend is in: Hufflepuff
Dream job: Care of Magical Creatures professor
Patronus: Unicorn
DS: Bevan Camlo (6th year; Ravenclaw) Curly brown hair, brown eyes, 5'7", chubby
Favorite Class: Charms
Known as: Prankster
Best friend is in: Hufflepuff
Dream job: Stay at home dad
Patronus: Tiger
DS: Liam Michael(5th year; Hufflepuff) Straight black hair, grey eyes, 5'10", fit
Favorite Class: Divination
Known as: Popular
Best friend is in: Slytherin
Dream job: Ministry of Magic employee
Patronus: Phoenix
DDTwin 1: Elissa Veronica (4th year; Hufflepuff) Wavy blonde hair, blue eyes, 4'11, average

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DH: Tobin Karl Hawkley (39)
Tobin is a tall man with wavy black hair and dark brown eyes. He is a legend in the Quidditch world, having set and broken numerous records from his days at Hogwarts and now captaining the English national team. Born into an old and noble wizarding family, Tobin’s parents were sorely disappointed when their son started seeing, and ultimately married, a woman whose father was a muggle.DW: Charlotte Columba [Wray] Hawkley (39)
Charlotte works at Quality Quidditch Supplies in Diagon Alley. It was here that she first met Tobin, who had come to the shop in search of a new broom. It was love at first sight for Tobin, who had actually admired Charlotte from afar while the two were students at Hogwarts but had never actually worked up the courage to ask her on a date — Gryffindors and Slytherins weren’t supposed to be friends, after all. Charlotte needed more convincing, but she soon fell for the charming young man and the couple were married within a year (much to the chagrin of Tobin’s many adoring female fans).DD: Cecilia Rhosyn Hawkley (17)
Cecilia is almost the spitting image of her mother, except that she has blue eyes. (For a while, no one knew where that trait came from, until Cecilia looked into her genealogy and found out that her great-great-great-great-great grandfather Caratacus had blue eyes also.) She is very popular at Hogwarts, due to her outgoing and friendly personality, and she always has a string of admirers trailing after her. After graduation, Cecilia has lined up a job at Flourish & Blotts in Diagon Alley, though she’d love to have her own bookstore someday.DD: Ilona Margaux Hawkley (16)
Ilona always tended to stay in her older sister’s shadow, and indeed there is nothing terribly remarkable about her, except for her incredible thirst for knowledge. She absolutely eats up everything she’s taught at Hogwarts, and she always wants more. Her favorite class is History of Magic, and her ideal job is as an archivist in the Ministry of Magic. There’s a running joke at the school that no one knows what Ilona Hawkley really looks like, since her nose is always buried in a book.

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LN: WolfeDH: Forrest Gabriel Wolfe
Blood Status: Pureblood
Occupation: Bookshop Owner
Former House: Slytherin
Appearance: Straight brown hair, blue eyes, 5"9, athleticDW: Adara Leia Wolfe
Blood Status: Pureblood
Occupation: Bookshop Owner
Former House: Hufflepuff
Appearance: straight blonde hair, hazel eyes, 5"7, fitDD: Natayla Myrtle Wolfe
Appearance: wavy blonde hair, blue eyes, 5"10, fit
Year and house: 7th, Gryffindor
Favorite class: Astronomy
Known for (personality): shy
Best friend's house: Slytherin
Dream job: Auror
Patronus: turtleDD: Rosina Imora Wolfe
Appearance: straight blonde hair, brown eyes, 5"3, curvy
Year and house: 5th, Hufflepuff
Favorite class: Herbology
Known for (personality): goody-goody
Best friend's house: Hufflepuff
Dream job: Professional Quidditch player
Patronus: MouseDS: Draco Aeron Wolfe
Appearance: curly aubun hair, grey eyes, 5"11, skinny
Year and house: 6th, Ravenclaw
Favorite class: Charms
Known for (personality): the smart one
Best friend's house: Ravenclaw
Dream job: Stay at home dad
Patronus: Eagle
Special Ability: LegilimencyDD: Alexandra Coriander Wolfe
Appearance: wavy blonde hair, hazel eyes, 4"9, fit
Year and house: 4th, Slytherin
Favorite class: Flying
Known for (personality): loyalty
Best friend's house: Slytherin
Dream job: Owner of parents bookshop
Patronus: HawkDD: Adena Lavender Wolfe
Appearance: curly ginger hair, grey eyes, 5"1, average
Year and house: 4th, Hufflepuff
Favorite class: Herbology
Known for (personality): kindness
Best friend's house: Ravenclaw
Dream job: Quidditch player
Patronus: Leopard
Quidditch position: Seeker DS: Liam Jasper Wolfe
Appearance: curly brown hair, hazel eyes, 6"0, fit
Year and house: 4th, Slytherin
Favorite class: Charms
Known for (personality): good looks :)
Best friend's house: Hufflepuff
Dream job: Auror
Patronus: Snake
Special Ability: MetamorphagusDS: Lucas Orion Wolfe
Appearance: curly brown hair, grey eyes, 5"1, skinny
Year and house: 2nd, Gryffindor
Favorite class: Flying
Known for (personality): shy
Best friend's house: Hufflepuff
Dream job: Quidditch player
Patronus: RavenForrest (S) and Adara (H) Wolfe with Natayla (G), Draco (R), Rosina (H), Adena (H) and Liam (S), Alexandra (S), and Lucas (G)
(Letters in parenthesis are houses)
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Playing some moreLN: Stone
DH: Zachariah AtlasZach
Zach works at Zonko’s Joke Shop. He is a full-blooded Gryffindor. His patronus is hippogriff. He has wavy black hair and brown eyes. He is 5’5’’ and fit.DW: Genevieve AuroraEve
Eve is a stay at home mom. She is a muggle-born and was in Ravenclaw at school. Her patronus is a kneazle. She has straight purple hair and orange eyes. She is 5’10’’ and curvy.Zach and Eve’s daughter Keziah Gladys is 11 years old and just started at Hogwarts. She was sorted into Slytherin and her favorite class is Potions. At school she is known as a prankster or class clown. Something she obviously inherited from her father. Her best friend is fellow Slytherin first year Lena. When she grows up she wants to work in the Ministry of Magic. Her patronus is a cat. She has curly purple hair and brown eyes. She is 5’0 and average. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
LN: PorrasDH: Aries Llewellyn
He has wavy black hair and brown eyes. He is 7’5 and skinny. Currently he works at Honeydukes. He is half-giant. At Hogwarts he was in Ravenclaw. His patronus is a parrot.
DW: Violet Ginevra
Violet has wavy black hair and brown eyes. She is 6’0 but average. She works as the History of Magic teacher at Hogwarts. Violet is a muggle-born and belongs to the Hufflepuff house. Her patronus is a unicorn. DD: Sariel Aurora (21)
DS: Marko Evan (19)

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This message was edited 11/15/2011, 3:15 PM

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LN: PatelDH: Vincent Corvus Halwyn (Wand Shop Employee, Muggle-born, Gryffindor)DW: Morgan Basmat (Auror, Full-blood, Gryffindor)Triplets-DS1: Roland Altair Orion (6th year Slytherin)
Favorite class: Astronomy
Personality/reputation: Popular, friendly
Best friend in: Gryffindor
Dream job: Ministry of Magic
Patronus: PythonDS2: Anton Gawain Bedwyr (6th year Gryffindor)
Favorite class: Defense Against the Dark Arts
Personality/reputation: Prankster, class clown
Best friend in: Ravenclaw
Dream job: Stay at home dad
Patronus: Red StagDD2: Kira Andromeda (6th year Hufflepuff)
Favorite class: Herbology
Personality/reputation: Shy, nerdy, “weird”
Best friend in: Hufflepuff
Dream job: Potion shop owner
Patronus: Cat
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LN: Morning
DH: Linus Abbott
prof. quidditch player, half veela, Ravenclaw
DW: Eulalie Achinoam
full blood, stay at home mom, HufflepuffDS: Crispin Gabriel Koralo
Appearance: wavy ginger hair, green eyes
Year and house: graduated, Hufflepuff
Favorite class: Defense Against the Dark Arts
Known for (personality): friendly
Dream job: stay at home dad
Patronus: heron

DD/DD/DD/DS: Andromeda Opaline Guinevere
Appearance: wavy white hair, green eyes
Year and house: 6th year, Ravenclaw
Favorite class: care of magical creatures
Known for (personality): tattletale
Dream job: employee at pet shop
Patronus: luna mothWisteria Columba Yesenia
Appearance: curly platinum blond hair, blue eyes
Year and house: 6th year, Ravenclaw
Favorite class: Divination
Known for (personality): goody-goody
Dream job: professional quidditch referee (if there is such a thing)
Patronus: dove Valli Marjolaine Eirlys
Appearance: curly platinum blond hair, hazel eyes
Year and house: 6th year, Gryffindor
Favorite class: potions
Known for (personality): prankster
Dream job: ministry of magic
Patronus: sphinxCobalt Sirius Endymion
Appearance: straight blond hair, brown eyes
Year and house: 6th year, Ravenclaw
Favorite class: history of magic
Known for (personality): teacher's pet
Dream job: book shop employee
Patronus: skinkDD: Eurydice Skelesia Helen
Appearance: wavy black hair, brown eyes
Year and house: Not yet in Hogwarts
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LN: SkyeDH: Ocery Antony (Employee at Ollivander's ; Full-Blood ; Ravenclaw)
DW: Nephele Hatina (Keeper for the Kenmare Kestrels ; Full-Blood ; Gryffindor)DS: Silvester Rory Skye (4th Year Ravenclaw)
* Favourite Class: Ancient Runes
* Personality: Tattletale
* Best Friend (Gryffindor)
* Patronus: Phoenix
DD: Minerva Sofiel "Minnie" Skye (2nd Year Gryffindor)
* Favourite Class: History of Magic
* Personality: Prankster
* Best Friend: (Gryffindor)
* Patronus: Beetle
DS: Hyperion Basil Skye (1st Year Slytherin)
* Favourit Class: Astronomy
* Personality: Shy
* Best Friend: Ravenclaw
* Patronus: Horse
DD: Oriana Ariel Skye (1st Year Slytherin)
* Favouite Class: Flying
* Personality: Popular
* Best Friend: Slyherin
* Patronus: Unicorn
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This is awesome! I think I'll do a 2nd generation after this. Also I generated names for the children's best friends following the same rules, as well as Hogwarts houses, hope thats OK!LN: Wolf
DH: Oliver Tobin Ecanus
Age: 38
Oliver is a half-blood wizard: his Father is a wizard; his Mother a muggle. At Hogwarts, he was in Gryffindor house. He is now a professional Quidditch player for the Falmouth Falcons.
Oliver has curly blonde hair and brown eyes. DW: Isolda Hermione (maiden name: Weasley)
Age: 37
A great-granchild of Hermione and Ron Weasley, Isolda is a full-blood wizard. Naturally, she was sorted into Gryffindor house at Hogwarts and excelled at school. She now works at the Ministry of Magic, in the Department of Magical Security.
Isolda has wavy ginger hair and hazel eyes. Oliver and Isolda met at Hogwarts, where they were both in Gryffindor house. Although they weren't friends in the first few years at school, they were both later made prefects which brought them closer and they started dating towards the end of their 7th year. They married a few years after leaving Hogwarts. A year later, Isolda's first pregnancy gave them triplet babies! They were delighted to welcome Justina, Juliet and Jasper. Justina and Juliet are identical (the dice rolls came up with identical features by chance, so I decided to make them identical). Justina Elizabeth Wolf
Age: 16 (6th year)
Justina has wavy ginger hair and hazel eyes.
Justina is in Gryffindor house. Justina is well known for her friendly personality and she is one of the most popular girls in her year. She has two best friends: her sister Juliet and Flora Fletcher, who are both in Hufflepuff. Her favourite class is defence against the dark arts, so she would like to become an auror when she leaves Hogwarts. Her patronus is a unicorn!Juliet Rubena Wolf
Age: 16 (6th year)
Just like her twin, Juliet has wavy ginger hair and hazel eyes. People often say that Justina and Juliet are the spitting image of their Mother, as they have the exact same hair and eye colour and look very similar. Unlike her sister, Juliet is in Hufflepuff house and she has an aptitude for herbolody, which is her favourite class. When she leaves Hogwarts, she wants to work in the ministry of magic. Her patronus is also a unicorn!

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*****15 years later*****LN: Wolf
DH: Oliver Tobin Ecanus (53, half-blood)
DW: Isolda Hermione (52, full-blood)DD1: Justina Elizabeth Wolf (31)
--DH: Evan Bailey Prewett (33)
Justina wanted to be an auror when she was at Hogwarts. Unfortunately, she didn't do well enough in her exams and ended up working in a shop in Hogsmede while looking for another job. This is where she met her husband, Evan, who teaches care of magical creatures at Hogwarts. He has curly brown hair and brown eyes. Together they have 9 children!
--DS/DS: Theron Basil Prewett & Jett Andreas Prewett (17 - identical twins)
--DD: Freja Sorrel Prewett (14)
--DD: Elise Jewel Prewett (12)
--DS: Slade Evan Prewett (11)
--DS: Cian Nathaniel Prewett (8)
--DD: Ava Olwyn Prewett (6)
--DD/DS: Floria Loren Prewett & Rufus Ashet Prewett (3 - fraternal twins)
Justina, Evan, Theron, Jett, Freja, Elise, Slade, Cian, Ava, Floria & Rufus PrewettDD2: Juliet Rubena Wolf (31)
---DH: Alexander Ronald Tyne (35)
Juliet works at the ministry of magic, in the misuse of muggle artifacts office. She met her husband Lex while working on a case involving the illegal sale of cursed underpants – he was one of the poor muggles who bought a pair! Once he had recovered from the shock, he was amazed to find that Juliet was a witch and they later married and had 3 children.
---DD: Juniper Alexandra Tyne (7)
---DD: Cassandra Ruby Tyne (5)
---DS: Barnabas Aeron Tyne (4)
Juliet, Lex, Juni, Cassie & Barney TyneDS1: Jasper Thaddeus Wolf (31)
---DW: Eleanor Myfanwy Madoc (26)
Jasper is the arithmancy teacher at Hogwarts, which was his dream job ever since he was at school. For a while he concentrated solely on work, but he is now married to Nora, a muggle-born witch who worked at Eyelops Owl Emporium in Diagon Alley. Jasper's patronus is an owl and they're his favourite animal, so they bonded over that fact when he entered her shop on a snowy day 4 years ago. They got married and now have one child, so Nora is currently a stay-at-home Mum.

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LN: OshiroDH: Severus Ezekiel
- Hogwarts Professor (Potions)
- Half-Blood
- Hufflepuff
- Patronus is Unicorn
- Straight ginger hair
- Green eyes
- 5'9"
- Average bodyDW: Calliope Dina
- Shop Owner (Wand Shop)
- Pure-Blood
- Ravenclaw
- Patronus is Rabbit
- Wavy blonde hair
- Hazel eyes
- 5'5"
- Chubby body---DD: Xanthe Carys
- Graduated
- Gryffindor
- Enjoys Charms
- Prankster
- Best friend is in Slytherin
- Dream job is Shop Owner (Owl shop)
- Patronus is Hawk
- Beater on Quidditch team
- Wavy brown hair
- Green eyes
- 5'6"
- Average bodyDD/DD/DS: Kassandra Oora / Adelaide Scarlet / Cato Basil
- Seventh year
- Hufflepuff / Ravenclaw / Gryffindor
- Enjoys Herbology / Potions/ Ancient Runes
- Shy / Friendly / Class Clown
- Best friend is in Hufflepuff/ Ravenclaw / Slytherin
- Dream job is Ministry of Magic employee / Hogwarts Professor (Potions) / Ministry of Magic employee
- Patronus is Dog / Grasshopper / Horse
- Straight blonde hair / Wavy blue hair / Curly black hair
- Brown eyes
- 5'0" / 5'2" / 5'8"
- Fit body / Average body / Chubby bodyDD: Verity Lailah
- Fifth year
- Hufflepuff
- Enjoys Muggle Studies
- Popular
- Best friend is in Hufflepuff
- Dream job is Hogwarts Professor (Muggle Studies)
- Patronus is Hippogriff
- Wavy black hair
- Grey eyes
- 5'7"
- Average bodyDS: Ramon Jasper
- Fourth year
- Gryffindor
- Enjoys Astronomy
- Goody-goody
- Best friend is in Gryffindor
- Dream job is Auror
- Patronus is Chameleon
- Can do wandless magic
- Curly ginger hair
- Hazel eyes
- 5'3"
- Skinny bodyDS/DD: Olivier Severus / Stanislava Aurora
- Second year
- Slytherin / Slytherin
- Enjoys Defense Against the Dark Arts / History of Magic
- Troublemaker / Nerdy
- Best friend is in Hufflepuff / Gryffindor
- Dream job is Stay at Home Dad / Hogwarts Professor (History of Magic)
- Patronus is Rabbit / Platypus
- Curly purple hair / Wavy black hair
- Blue eyes / Grey eyes
- 6'0" / 5'3"
- Average body / Average bodyDD: Violet Marjorie
- First year
- Ravenclaw
- Enjoys Potions
- Shy
- Best friend is in Ravenclaw
- Dream job is Stay At Home Mom
- Patronus is Turtle
- Wavy ginger hair
- Brown eyes
- 4'11"
- Athletic body
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DH - Martin Oliver Cook
-Hair - Red, curly
-Eyes - Blue
-Height - 5'9"
-Body Type - Fit/Athletic
Occupation - Broom shop employee
Blood Status - Muggle-born
Former House - HufflepuffDW - Alexandra Grace [Harper] Cook 'Alex'
-Hair - Blonde, wavy
-Eyes - Green
-Height - 5'7"
-Body Type - Skinny
Occupation - Auror
Blood Status - Muggle-born
Former House - GryffindorDS - Kenneth Basil Cook 'Basil' (19)
-Hair - Blonde, straight
-Eyes - Grey
-Height - 6'3"
-Body Type - Average
Occupation - Muggle Studies Professor
Former House - Gryffindor
-Favourite Subjects - Defence Against the Dark Arts and Divination
-Best Friend's House - Gryffindor
-Patronus - Snowy Owl
Personality - Shy, nerdy, and 'weird'
Special Ability - Wandless MagicDD - Minerva Aurora Cook 'Minnie' (17)
-Hair - Red, curly
-Eyes - Hazel
-Height - 4'11"
-Body Type - Fit/Athletic
Year/House - Seventh / Ravenclaw
-Favourite Subjects - Arithmancy, Astronomy or Ancient Runes
-Best Friend's House - Gryffindor
-Patronus - Horse
Personality - Popular and friendly
Dream Job - Bookshop employee
Special Ability - Wandless MagicDD - Calandra Saffron Cook 'Callie' (17)
-Hair - Red, wavy
-Eyes - Green
-Height - 5'11"
-Body Type - Chubby/fat
Year/House - Seventh / Gryffindor
-Favourite Subjects - Defence Against the Dark Arts and Divination
-Best Friend's House - Gryffindor
-Patronus - Horse
Personality - Class clown
Dream Job - AurorDS - Theron Orion Cook (16)
-Hair - Red, curly
-Eyes - Hazel
-Height - 5'10"
-Body Type - Average
Year/House - Sixth / Ravenclaw
-Favourite Subjects - Care of Magical Creatures and Charms
-Best Friend's House - Hufflepuff
-Patronus - Cat
Personality - Class clown
Dream Job - AurorDS - Peter Cepheus Cook (14)
-Hair - Ash blonde, curly
-Eyes - Grey
-Height - 5'5"
-Body Type - Skinny
Year/House - Fourth / Gryffindor
-Favourite Subjects - Care of Magical Creatures and Charms
-Best Friend's House - Gryffindor
-Patronus - Sparrow
Personality - Goody-goody/tattletale
Dream Job - Restaurant employee

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DH - Balthazar Tristan Fischer-Sturm
Profession - Professional Quidditch player
Blood Status - Muggle-born
Former House - Slytherin
-Hair - Blonde, curly
-Eyes - Blue
-Height - 6'3"
-Body Type - Fit/AthleticDW - Danika Anise Fischer-Sturm
Profession - Ministry of Magic employee
Blood Status - Pure-blood
Former House - Slytherin
-Hair - Ash blonde, curly
-Eyes - Blue
-Height - 5'7"
-Body Type - SkinnyDS - Erasmus Garnett Fischer-Sturm (17)
-Hair - Ash blonde, straight
-Eyes - Green
-Height - 5'5"
-Body Type - Fit/Athletic
Year/House - Seventh / Ravenclaw
-Favourite Subjects - History of Magic and Muggle Studies
-Best Friend's House - Gryffindor
-Patronus - Collie
Personality - Class clown
Dream Job - AurorDD - Genevieve Margaret Fischer-Sturm (14)
-Hair - Ash blonde, straight
-Eyes - Brown
-Height - 5'6"
-Body Type - Average
Year/House - Fourth / Ravenclaw
-Favourite Subjects - History of Magic and Muggle Studies
-Best Friend's House - Ravenclaw
-Patronus - Snapping Turtle
Personality - Class clown
Dream Job - Ministry of Magic employee
Special Ability - LegilimencyDD - Charlotte Luna Fischer-Sturm (13)
-Hair - Black, straight
-Eyes - Blue
-Height - 5'2"
-Body Type - Chubby/Fat
Year/House - Third / Gryffindor
-Favourite Subjects - Flying and Herbology
-Best Friend's House - Ravenclaw
-Patronus - Gecko
-Quidditch Position - Keeper
Personality - Goody-goody/tattletale
Dream Job - Pastry shop employeeDS - Sebastian Hercules Fischer-Sturm (11)
-Hair - Ash blonde, wavy
-Eyes - Green
-Height - 5'5"
-Body Type - Average
Year/House - First / Gryffindor
-Favourite Subjects - History of Magic and Muggle Studies
-Best Friend's House - Gryffindor
-Patronus - Griffin
Personality - Prankster
Dream Job - Sweet shop ownerDS - Percival Miron Fischer-Sturm (11)
-Hair - Ash blonde, curly
-Eyes - Blue
-Height - 5'1"
-Body Type - Average
Year/House - First / Gryffindor
-Favourite Subjects - Care of Magical Creatures and Charms
-Best Friend's House - Slytherin
-Patronus - Peach-Faced Lovebird

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this is sooo cool! :)LN: Deere
DH: Cobalt Owen Deere
Blood status: Muggle
Occupation: Police officer (I got auror for both, but they're muggles...)
Appearance: curly maroon hair, hazel eyes, 5"9, average
DW: Abigail Elin Deere
Blood status: Muggle
Occupation: Police officer
Appearance: straight ginger hair, grey eyes, 5"0, chubbyDD: Amalthea Catrin Deere
Appearance: curly brown hair, green eyes, 5"7, curvy
Year and house: 5th, Ravenclaw
Favorite class: Charms
Known for (personality): goody-goody
Best friend's house: Hufflepuff
Dream job: Robes shop owner
Patronus: turtleDS: Antony Jasper Deere
Appearance: straight ginger hair, green eyes, 5"11, fit
Year and house: 6th, Gryffindor
Favorite class: Astronomy
Known for (personality): prankster
Best friend's house: Slytherin
Dream job: Astronomy professor
Patronus: alligatorDD: Sophia Aquila Deere
Appearance: straight brown hair, blue eyes, 5"2, curvy
Year and house: 4th, Gryffindor
Favorite class: Muggle Studies
Known for (personality): popular
Best friend's house: Slytherin
Dream job: wife of rich businessman
Patronus: phoenix
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Parents' occupations: Coffee Shop owner
Blood status: Half-blood
Parents' house: Hufflepuff
Number of births: 8H: Jenson Killian Stone
42; Gryffindor Herbology; Straight-Black Hair; Brown Eyes; 6'0; FitW: Tierra Jade Smith Stone
39; Ravenclaw Defense Against the Dark Arts; Curly-Ginger Hair; Blue Eyes; 5'5"; Skinny
D: Helena Lucienne Stone
19 yrs old; Graduated of the Hufflepuff; Liked Charms Class; Was Popular; Best Friend - Audriana Fae Prescott of Ravenclaw; dreams of being a Stay at home mom; pet horse named Riordan; Straight-Light Pink with Hot Pink tips Hair; Brown Eyes; 5'6"; averageS: "Nic" Nicolas Rye Stone
17 yrs old 7th year Gryffindor; Likes Transfiguration; is friendly; Best Friend - Ruggar Slade Weston of Gryffindor; dreams of being a Professional Quidditch player - Captian Chaser; pet white tiger named Snowden; Straight-White/Blonde Hair; Green Eyes; 5'9"; athleticD/S:
Amber Juno Stone
15 yrs old; 6th year Slytherin; Likes History of Magic; is Nerdy; Best Friend - Vienna Chloe Tommlin of Hufflepuff; Dreams of being a Hogwarts professor of the History of Magic; pet unicorn named Magic; plays Quidditch - Keeper; Wavy-Ginger Hair; Brown Eyes; 5'5"; athleticAidan Jason Stone
15 yrs old; 6th year Ravenclaw; Likes Care of Magical Creatures; is Shy; Best Friend - Jax Remington Connelly of Slytherin; dreams of being a Ministry of Magic employee; pet Phoenix named Arizona; Wavy-Brown Hair; Blue Eyes; 5'7"; AverageS: Onyx Cadreyn Stone
13 yrs old; 5th year Hufflepuff; Likes Ancient Runes; is the class clown; Best Friend - Rio Ace Martin of Gryffindor; pet panther named Jett; Curly-Black Hair; Green Eyes; 5'5"; athleticD: Devi Kalypso Stone
12 yrs old; 4rd year Slytherin; Likes Charms; is Popular; Best Friend - Annalise Jasmine Howard of Ravenclaw; Dreams of being a fashion Shop owner; pet Dove named Lovely; Wavy-Black Hair; Grey Eyes; 5'2"; SkinnyD: Isolde Skylark Stone
13 yrs old; 3th year Hufflepuff; Likes Potions; is friendly & telepathy; Best Friend - Damian Nolan Kovac of Ravenclaw; Dreams of being a coffee Shop owner; pet cat named "Lix" Elixer; Curly-Blonde Hair; Hazel Eyes; 5'0"; Fit

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LN: CresswellDH: Julius Avery
Pure-blood, Professional Quidditch player (beater), Gryffindor
Appearance: straight black hair, green eyes, 5'8", Fit/athletic body
Favorite Class: Muggle Studies
Patronus: PandaDW: Garnet Andromeda
Muggle-born, Auror, Hufflepuff
Appearance: curly brown hair, brown eyes, 5'2", average body
Favorite Class: Transfiguration
Patronus: ChameleonDD: Rhiannon Adhara
Appearance: wavy black hair, brown eyes, 4’11”, average body
Year and house: graduated from Gryffindor
Favorite class: Astronomy and Ancient Runes
Known for (personality): not known for anything in particular
Best friend's house: Gryffindor
Dream job: Hogwarts professor (either Astronomy or Ancient Runes), but currently working at Flourish and Blotts
Patronus: KoalaDS/DD: Leonard Julian /Aurelia Bronwen
Appearance: curly brown hair, green eyes, 5'4", Skinny
Year and house: 4th year Hufflepuff
Favorite class: Defense Against the Dark Arts
Known for (personality): Goody-goody
Best friend's house: Slytherin
Dream job: Auror
Patronus: Sea LionAurelia
Appearance: straight brown hair, green eyes, 5'1", average body
Year and house: 4th year Ravenclaw
Favorite class: Arithmancy
Known for (personality): Shy and nerdy
Best friend's house: Ravenclaw
Dream job: Ministry of Magic, Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes
Patronus: Lop rabbitDD: Ariadne Sage
Appearance: wavy black hair, hazel eyes, 4’10, average body
Year and house: 3rd year Ravenclaw
Favorite class: Charms
Known for (personality): friendly
Best friend's house: Hufflepuff
Dream job: Healer
Patronus: Falcon
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LN: WhelanDH: Bruno Llewellyn
DW: Hebe AquilaDD: Artemis Betony
DD: Ilona Miram
DS/DS: Kasper Siorus/Titus Griffith
DS: Kestral BevanBruno Llewellyn Whelan - Bruno is a Muggle, which makes him the only non-magic member of his family. Good-natured and tolerant, Bruno continues to be amazed by his wife and children, but he's happy to keep one foot firmly in the non-magical world by working in the speciality tea shoppe his mother started 30 years ago. Bruno is overweight--he would prefer "big boned"--with straight, black hair and brown eyes. At 5"9", he is several inches shorter than his wife. Hebe Aquila Whelan - Hebe is a half-blood witch, a former Ravenclaw, and a professional Quidditch player, playing Beater for the Appleby Arrows since she was 20. Her career takes her away from her family more than she would like, and it isn't easy explaining her absences to her Muggle neighbors who know she's an athelete but aren't sure what kind (Bruno has told them everything from curling to jelly wrestling to competitive knitting). Hebe is an even 6 feet tall in her stocking feet, and she has grey eyes, curly brown hair that she wears short, and a curvy body. Artemis Betony Whelan - Artemis is in her 7th year at Hogwarts. She is a Ravenclaw who adores Herbology and plays Beater for the house team. Her teammates compare her to a Wildfire Whizz-Bang--a big noise in a small package--since she is only 4'11". Artemis is known for her intelligence and her determination to be the best at everything. Most people probably think she has her eye on a position at the Ministry, but only her Hufflepuff best friend knows that she really wants to be a stay-at-home mom someday, the exact opposite of her own mother. Artemis has an athletic body, her mother's curly brown hair, and her father's brown eyes. She is capable of producing a fully corporeal Patronus in the form of a crup. Ilona Miram Whelan - Ilona is in her 4th year at Hogwarts and is the first Hufflepuff in her family's history.

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This message was edited 11/13/2011, 1:18 PM

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LN: Diggory
DH: Callum Benjamin
DW: Elodie Fleur
-DS: Adrian Rhys
-DD: Nadia Isolde
-DD: Lucia Elaine
-DD: Freya Bryony
-DD: Helena Diane----------------------------------------------------LN: Diggory
Father's occupation: Professional Quidditch player
Father's blood status: Full-blood
Father's house: Hufflepuff
Mother's occupation: Auror
Mother's blood status: Half-blood
Mother's house: GryffindorDH: Callum Benjamin
-professional Quidditch player
-full blood
-wavy brown hair, blue eyes
-over 6'0", average body type
DW: Elodie Fleur
-straight auburn hair, hazel eyes
-5'9", skinny body typeDS: Adrian Rhys
-7th year
-likes Defense Against the Dark Arts
-fairly popular and friendly
-dream job is to become the DADA professor at Hogwarts
-Patronus is a zebra
-Quidditch player, Keeper
-curly brown hair, green eyes
-5'11", athletic build
-best friend is in Ravenclaw
DD: Nadia Isolde
-5th year
-likes Potions
-my choice: shy and bookish, but kind
-dream job is Auror, like her mom
-Patronus is a Barn owl
-Quidditch player, Seeker
-wavy auburn hair, hazel eyes
-5'8", athletic build
-best friend is in Slytherin
DD: Lucia Elaine
-2nd year
-likes Transfiguration
-dream job is to own the bookshop in Diagon Alley or Hogsmeade: she can talk to people and be around books!
-Patronus is a raven
-wavy brown hair, brown eyes
-5'4", skinny build
-best friend is in Ravenclaw
DD: Freya Bryony
-Not yet in Hogwarts
-dream job is a professional Quidditch player
-Likes playing Chaser
-straight brown hair, blue eyes
-5'1", skinny build
DD: Helena Diane
-Not yet in Hogwarts
-dream job is a Ministry of Magic employee, maybe International Magical Cooperation
-straight auburn hair, blue eyes
-under 5', average build
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Matthias Orion Griffiths is the father in the Griffiths family. Matt, as he likes to be called, is a half-blood. His mother was a witch while his father was a human dwarf. Therefore Matt is only 4’9’’. Despite this he has an average build. He has wavy blond hair and brown eyes. Matt was in Gryffindor House in school and now is the Astronomy professor at Hogwarts. His patronus is a newt.Ruby Enettia Zimmerman-Griffiths is the mother in the Griffiths family. She is a Muggle which means she never attended Hogwarts but met Matt in a strange little pub in London. She was very surprised to find out he was a wizard. Ruby has straight black hair and grey eyes. She is 5’2’’ and has an athletic body especially for someone who has had five children. She owns a Muggle book store. Aries Kei is 18 and has just graduated from Hogwarts in the last year but he was in Slytherin where his favorite class was history of magic. He was known to be shy and had one good friend who was Michael, another shy boy in his house. He now works as an employee at Honeydukes. Aries has curly black hair and green eyes. He is only 5’ tall and skinny. His patronus is a centaur. Esmeralda Bethan is Priscilla’s twin. She likes to be called Esme. She has curly brown hair and hazel eyes. Even though both her parents are quite short Esme is 5’10’’ with an average build She is in her 7th year of Hogwarts and is in the Hufflepuff house. Her favorite class is Astronomy. At least she says it is, Matt thinks she is just being nice. She is a class clown but dreams of being a professional quidditch player. She is currently the Hufflepuff House Chaser. Her best friend is Lucy and spunky goofball from Gryffindor. Her patronus is a butterfly which is also her animagus.

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This message was edited 11/13/2011, 11:10 AM

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LN: FalkDH: Zachariah Llywelyn Falk
Blood status: Full-blood
Occupation: Ministry of Magic Employee (Goblin Liason Office)
Former House: Hufflepuff
Appearance: straight brown hair, grey eyes, 5'6", average buildDW: Muriel Lailah (Sage) Falk
Blood status: Half-blood
Occupation: Shop owner (Dervish and Banges)
Former House: Slytherin
Appearance: straight black hair, hazel eyes, 5'3", curvyDD/DD: Livia Bryony Falk / Mina Andromeda Falk
DD: Rasia Eleri Falk
DS: Jasper Finnigan Falk
DS/DS: Angus Garnet Falk / Orion Caelum FalkLivia Bryony Falk:
Appearance: curly blonde hair, grey eyes, 5'0", athletic build
Year and house: 7th, Gryffindor
Favorite class: Charms
Known for (personality): shy
Best friend's house: Gryffindor
Dream job: Auror
Patronus: owl
Special ability, if applicable: none
Quidditch position, if applicable: ChaserMina Andromeda Falk:
Appearance: curly blonde hair, grey eyes, 5'0", athletic build
Year and house: 7th, Ravenclaw
Favorite class: Herbology
Known for (personality): shy
Best friend's house: Hufflepuff
Dream job: Hogwarts professor, Herbology
Patronus: tiger
Special ability, if applicable: none
Quidditch position, if applicable: doesn't play QuidditchRasia Eleri Falk:
Appearance: straight brown hair, hazel eyes, 5'5", chubby
Year and house: 6th, Hufflepuff
Favorite class: Defense Against the Dark Arts
Known for (personality): class clown
Best friend's house: Hufflepuff
Dream job: Ministry of Magic Employee (Department of Magical Games and Sports)
Patronus: phoenix
Special ability, if applicable: Animagus (cat)
Quidditch position, if applicable: SeekerJasper Finnigan Falk:
Appearance: wavy ginger hair, brown eyes, 5'3", athletic build
Year and house: 3rd, Gryffindor
Favorite class: Care of Magical Creatures
Known for (personality): troublemaker
Best friend's house: Gryffindor
Dream job: Shop owner (Flourish and Blotts)
Patronus: flying horse
Special ability, if applicable:
Quidditch position, if applicable: doesn't playAngus Garnet Falk:

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LN: DaviesDH: Alfie Cassiel Davies
Blood status, occupation, former house: half-blood, Auror, Hufflepuff
Appearance: Straight ginger hair, hazel eyes, 6'2, athletic buildDW: Jocasta Ariel Davies
Blood status, occupation, former house: half-blood, Charms professor, Ravenclaw
Appearance: Wavy brown hair, brown eyes, 5'5, skinny buildDD: Ariadne Jocasta Davies
Appearance: Straight brown hair, hazel eyes, 5'6, skinny build
Year and house: Graduated Hufflepuff
Favorite class: Arithmancy
Known for (personality): Popular and friendly
Best friend's house: Hufflepuff
Dream job: Ministry of Magic employee
Patronus: Eagle
Special ability, if applicable: none
Quidditch position, if applicable: noneDS: Mathias Basil Davies
Appearance: Wavy ginger hair, brown eyes, 5'11, average build
Year and house: 7th year Hufflepuff
Favorite class: Care of Magical Creatures
Known for (personality): Shy, nerdy, weird
Best friend's house: Hufflepuff
Dream job: Care of Magical Creatures professor
Patronus: Kneazle
Special ability, if applicable: none
Quidditch position, if applicable: noneDD: Violet Eirian Davies
Appearance: Straight brown hair, brown eyes, 5'5, athletic build
Year and house: 5th year Slytherin
Favorite class: Flying
Known for (personality): Popular and friendly
Best friend's house: Slytherin
Dream job: Professional Quidditch player
Patronus: Falcon
Special ability, if applicable: none
Quidditch position, if applicable: Captain, ChaserDD: Sapphira Carina Davies
Appearance: Wavy ginger hair, brown eyes, 5'7, curvy build
Year and house: 4th year Ravenclaw
Favorite class: Charms
Known for (personality): Shy, nerdy, weird
Best friend's house: Ravenclaw
Dream job: Auror
Patronus: Unicorn
Special ability, if applicable: none
Quidditch position, if applicable: noneDD: Cassia Rhiannon Davies
Appearance: Wavy ginger hair, hazel eyes, 5'3, average build
Year and house: 3rd year Ravenclaw
Favorite class: Ancient Runes
Known for (personality): Goody-goody, tattletale
Best friend's house: Slytherin

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Funsies! My only suggestion is that the height thing be modified between gendersLN: Nachtigall
DH: Peregrine Cadfael
Half Blood; Hufflepuff; Bartend at Leaky Cauldron
Curly brown hair; green eyes; 6'0; averageDW: Auriane Victoire
Half Veela; Slytherin; SAHM
Curly blond hair; brown eyes; 4'8; averageDD: Juturna Llewella - 6th year Slytherin
Charms; tattletale. Best friend in Gryf. Dream job SAHM
Patronus: Lemur
Curly blond hair; grey eyes; 5'10; fitDS/DS (fraternal):
Mercury Orestes - 5th year Gryffindor
Flying; friendly. Best friend in Slyth. Dream job Auror
Patronus: Stallion
Curly blond hair; hazel eyes; 5'8; fitBoutros Hydrus - 5th year Ravenclaw
Astronomy; nerdy. Best friend in 'Claw. Dream job to own Obscurus Books
Patronus: Goat
Wavy brown hair; Hazel eyes; 5'10; averageDD: Florica Auriane - 4th year Slytherin
Arithmancy; shy/etc. Best friend in Slyth. Dream job to own Flourish and Blotts
Patronus: Crow
Wavy super blond hair; grey eyes; 4'11; skinnyDD: Isis Victoire - 3rd year Hufflepuff
DADA; shy. Best friend in Gryf. Dream job to play quidditch
Patronus: Butterfly
Special ability: Animagus (doe)
Quidditch chaser
Wavy red hair; blue eyes; 5'7, fitDS: Jakob Elemiah - Not in hogwarts; will be Gryf
Will do: Herbology; prankster. Best friend in Huff. Dream job to work at Leaky Cauldron
Patronus: Griffin
Curly blond hair; brown eyes; will be 5'5; chubby
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Ah yeah, that is a good suggestion! I'll add a note to the height section about it. Thank you :)
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*like*DH: Alaric Boreas Gray
Pureblood, Auror, Gryffindor
Appearance: Straight brown hair, grey eyes, 6'6", athleticDW: Aminta Beatrice [Phillips]
Muggleborn, Potions professor, Slytherin
Appearance: Curly brown hair, green eyes, 5'11", curvyDD: Electra Lyra Gray
Appearance: Wavy ginger hair, hazel eyes, 5'9", average
Year and house: 6th, Slytherin
Favorite class: Astronomy
Best friend's house: Ravenclaw
Dream job: Ministry of Magic Employee
Patronus: Horse
Special ability, if applicable: LegilimencyDS: Stefan Orion Gray
Appearance: Curly brown hair, grey eyes, 5'8", athletic
Year and house: 4th, Gryffindor
Favorite class: Charms
Known for (personality): Friendly & popular
Best friend's house: Gryffindor
Dream job: Charms professor
Patronus: Hippogriff
Quidditch position, if applicable: KeeperDS: Alexander Cadfael Gray
Appearance: straight blonde hair, hazel eyes, 5'5", average
Year and house: 3rd, Ravenclaw
Favorite class: DADA
Known for (personality): Prankster
Best friend's house: Hufflepuff
Dream job: Auror
Patronus: Phoenix
Special ability, if applicable: Legilimency
Quidditch position, if applicable: Beater
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DH: Phineas Quentin Wolfe (47)
DW: Oona Bellatrix (Haddock) Wolfe (44)
DD/DS/DS/DS: Septima Esmeralda Wolfe / William Zich Wolfe / Leo Benedict Wolfe / Joshua Raphael Wolfe (20)
DD: Elsie Sofia Wolfe (17)
DS: Noah Orion Wolfe (16)
DS/DS/DS: Malachi Atlas Wolfe / Riley Aneirin Wolfe / Apollo Jasper Wolfe (15)
DS: Sebastian Gabriel Wolfe (13)
DD/DD: Kaiya Lyra Wolfe / Maya Maion Wolfe (12)
DS: Zeus Draco Wolfe (11)
LN: Wolfe
DH: Phineas Quentin Wolfe

Full-blood candy shop owner, Gryffindor
Appearance: straight blonde hair, blue eyes, 5'3" feet, skinny
DW: Oona Bellatrix (Haddock) Wolfe

Full-blood, stay at home mom, Ravenclaw
Appearance: wavy ginger hair, brown eyes, 6'2" feet, fitSeptima Esmeralda Wolfe
Appearance: straight blonde hair, brown eyes, 5'10" feet, chubby
Year and house: Graduated, Hufflepuff
Favorite class: Charms
Known for (personality): Troublemaker
Best friend's house: Gryffindor
Dream job: stay at home mom
Patronus: PhoenixWilliam Zich Wolfe
Appearance: curly brown hair, hazel eyes, 5'11" feet, skinny
Year and house: Graduated, Ravenclaw
Favorite class: Transfiguration
Known for (personality): Friendly
Best friend's house: Slytherin
Dream job: Owing a wand shop
Patronus: Dog
Quidditch position, if applicable: BeaterLeo Benedict Wolfe
Appearance: wavy blonde hair, blue eyes, 4'8" feet, chubby
Year and house: Graduated, Ravenclaw
Favorite class: Transfiguration
Known for (personality): tattletale
Best friend's house: Hufflepuff
Dream job: Auror
Patronus: DragonJoshua Raphael Wolfe
Appearance: straight blonde hair, violet eyes, 5'10" feet, fit
Year and house: Graduated, Gryffindor
Favorite class: Defense against the darks arts
Known for (personality): tattletale
Best friend's house: Gryffindor
Dream job: Professor of defens against the dark arts
Patronus: Lizard
Special ability, if applicable: MetamorphmagusElsie Sofia Wolfe
Appearance: curly green hair, grey eyes, 5'10" feet, chubby
Year and house: 7th, Ravenclaw

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This message was edited 11/13/2011, 5:21 AM

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MineThe Vartanian FamilyDH: Linus Merrion Vartanian
Linus is a tall, thin and menacing looking man with straight brown hair and green eyes. Despite his looks and the reputation of his former house, Slytherin, he is actually very kind and works in Honeydukes candy shop. A half-blood himself, he married his muggle-born wife Ruby shortly after graduation and lost some friends because of it.
DW: Ruby Gweneth Vartanian, nee Hogson
Ruby is a very famous professional Quidditch beater, perhaps best known for playing and winning while pregnant with each of her five children. At only 5'2" with long, wavy ginger hair and gentle grey eyes, she looks more like a kindly librarian than someone who would wield a beater club.. but don't let that fool you. This fierce former Ravenclaw proves that you can be intelligent, athletic and a great mother on top of that.DS: Benedict Orion Vartanian
Twenty one year old Benedict rejected an offer for apprenticeship under his old Herbology teacher in favor of working at Honeydukes with his dad. His mother hoped that he, once a Chaser for Gryffindor house, would follow in her footsteps but she is proud of him anyway. While his wild blue hair - dyed, not magic, and matching the color of his eyes - might make one think that he's outgoing, Benedict is actually very shy and has had an unspoken crush on his best friend Evie since second year. Evie, a Hufflepuff who shared the class with him, accepted the Herbology apprenticeship after he turned it down, leading his parents to suspect that he did so because of his crush. His patronus is a chameleon.DS: Graham Conel Vartanian
Graham has just entered his seventh year in Gryffindor and has spent the last six years being, well, entirely unremarkable aside from his penchant for using hair-changing spells. He inherited his mother's grey eyes and currently has his hair a deep black color, dotted with white to reflect his love for Astronomy - but most just think it looks like he has giant lice. Despite this and the fact that, at 5'3", he's shorter and tubbier than nearly everyone in school (even the first years!), Graham manages to be somewhat of a ladies man, never without a girlfriend. One day he'd like to own his own book shop, though he could be persuaded to look after the library at Hogwarts if it meant an unlimited supply of pumpkin pasties...

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