I posted this little informal linguistics survey on tumblr and thought I'd share it here as well. This is out of personal interest more than anything. I noticed in a video that one of my online buddies pronounces the name differently than I, and this piqued my curiousity. Hence, this survey.
Respond with one of the letters below, your native language, and where you’ve lived most of your life. Please specify a region if you live in a country with considerable dialectal variation (USA, UK, etc). Choose your natural pronunciation of the name, not the one you think is correct.
a. [mɛər i əs]
b. [mɛər i ɪs]
c. [mɑr i əs]
d. [mɑr i ɪs]
e. [mɑr i us] or
f. other (explain)
If you choose f, I'd prefer if you'd respond in IPA to prevent discrepancies. I am also mostly interested in vowels, so if you have a non-rhotic accent you can just pick a-e and note that you drop the R.