Feel free to turn nicknames into full names, and if you think another name is unisex, feel free to use it on the other gender!
Boys Aaron Adam Alexander Antonio Benjamin Brent Brooks Caesar Carter Chance Charles Christian Conan Daniel David Dimitri Domenico Ethan Ezra Fabian Felix Forrest Gavin George Henry Hunter Isaac Jack Jacob Jason Jay Jeremiah Jett John Joseph Joshua Justin Leander Leo Leonard Logan Louis Lucio Marc Matthew Max Michael Nicholas Percy Philip Phoenix Richard Robert Rocco Ryan Samuel Scott Seamus Sean Sebastian Theodore Thomas Toby Tyler Vlad William
Girls Abigail Adrienne Alexandria Allegra Allison Amelia Amy Anastasia Anna Anne Annie Aria Azura Beatrice Belle Blanche Brigit Cadence Callista Carolina Caroline Catherine Celeste Christina Ciara Crystal Daniella Delia Diana Eleanor Elisabetta Elizabeth Emily Estelle Faith Florence Grace Gwendolyn Hailey Harmony Hazel Helen Hope Iona Isabel Jade Jane Jean Jemima Jessica Jetta Jezebel Josephine Joy Julia Justine Kirstie Lauren Leonora Lily Louise Luna Lydia Lyra Mara Margaret Maria Marie Marisol Mary Matilda Maxine Maya Melina Melody Mercedes Molly Nicola Nicole Nikki Octavia Olympia Ophelia Pearl Rachel Rebecca Ruth Samantha Sara Sarah Scarlett Selena Sienna Sonja Stella Sylvia Tamara Theresa Victoria Viola Winifred Xanthe
Unisex (IMO) Alex Ashton Auburn Bailey Cameron Casey Charlie Dana Dylan Echo Harper Indigo Jamie Jesse Jordan Kelly Riley Robin Sam Tracey