The rules are simple: You give a first and middle name for ONE child (whatever gender you wish). Someone replies with what they would name the twin (they get to choose the gender of the other twin). Then that someone also posts one name.
Examples: I post Sophie Joy. Person B posts Emma Grace (similar popularities and virtue names).
In the same message as their twin response to my entry, person B posts Nathaniel Huckleberry. Person C posts Abigail Clementine (FNs more traditional, MNs fruit).
Person C then posts Mahmoud Binyamin (in the same message). Person D posts Ziad Youssef (Arabic names).
So on.
They can be 'perfect' because of shared meanings, origins, popularity, initials, themes, etc. - it's up to you on what the perfect twin's name would be!
My entry:Stella Naomi